IBM 1911 International Business Machines 1924. Big Blue RCA 1930 RCA connector (RCA plug/jack), Radio Corporation of America NASA 1952 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington DC IBM 704 1954 first mass-produced computer for floating-point arithmetic Fortran 1957 Formula Translation. IBM, John Backus PDP 1957 Programmed (-able) Data Processor, DEC minis ARPA 1958 Advanced Research Projects Agency, US response to Sputnik Lisp 1958 List Processor/Processing. USA COBOL 1959 Common Business-Oriented Language kurtz A slightly blunt IRC bot sth The Swamp Thing IRC bot ALGOL 60 1960 Algorithmic Language, machine independent rs232 1960 recommended standard for very short-distance communication RDS Relational Database Service APL 1964 A(rray) Programming Language, by Kenneth Iverson Multics 1965 MIT, released in 1969 Maclisp 1966 Project MAC (Math & Computation) PDP-6 Lisp, MIT SPF Sender Policy Framework, email authentication method IMAX 1967 high-end cinema, Canada S 1967 statistical programming language. John Chambers, AT&T/Bell BCPL 1967 a UNIX not in assembly language, Martin Richards ditroff Brian Kernighan's "device independent troff" troff J F Ossanna's "t-roff" (typesetter or Times), a new nroff Logo 1967 educational Lisp. Greek "logos" = word/thought ALGOL 68 1968 Adriaan van Wijngaarden, strongly typed [ALGOL 60] runoff RUNOFF (a document), print it. Jerry Saltzer. on MIT's CTSS roff Bob Morris port of runoff to the 635 architecture GIS 1968 Geographic Information System, Roger Tomlinson rf 1969 roff for PDP-7 B 1969 same purpose as BCPL, still no types. Ken Thompson NLU Natural language understanding NLP Natural language processing NLG Natural language grammar UNIX 1969 manual 1971, outside Bell 1973 IR intermediate representation PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expressions DFA Deterministic finite automaton, state machine NFA Nondeterministic finite automaton, e.g. Thompson NFA FA Finite Automaton, from Computer Science Automata theory ABS Abstract Behavioral Specification, modeling langue BASICOIS French BASIC dialect/translation, likely from Quebec Pascal 1970 structured programming and data structuring, Niklaus Wirth PDP-11 1970 16-bit minis from DEC. 600 000 sold - the most popular mini? LSE 1971 Langage symbolique d'enseignement, BASIC in French sh 1971 Ken Thompson nroff 1972 new roff, more complicated syntax. AT&T Bell Laboratories C 1972 Dennis Ritchie, Bell Labs Prolog 1972 Logic programming. France, Alain Colmerauer SASL 1972 St Andrews Static Language. Functional, no variables grep 1973 ed g/re/p (global regexp print). Ken Thompson, AT&T Bell ML 1973 Meta Language, a functional "Lisp with types". education SQL 1974 Structured Query Language (Seek Well), relational algebra dired 1974 directory editor, e.g. Emacs `dired-mode' ESA 1975 European Space Agency, Paris CPS 1975 continuation-passing style, coined in "AI Memo 349" Scheme 1975 lexical Lisp. MIT, Guy Steele and Gerald Sussman [MacLisp] TOPS-20 1976 TENEX Operating System for DEC PDP-10 and DECSYSTEM-20 Emacs 1976 TECO EMACS Editor MACroS, keyboard shortcuts and Lisp. MIT SCART 1976 Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radiorécepteurs et Téléviseurs vi 1976 mode-based programmer editor, pronounced "vee eye" TRS-80 1977 Tandy desktop computer sold at Radio Shack stores AWK 1977 Aho-Weinberger-Kernighan text processor BSD 1977 Berkeley Software Distribution, University of California FP 1977 Functional Programming, John Backus GKS 1977 Graphical Kernel System. ANSI/ISO low-level computer GFX sh 1977 Bourne K&R C 1978 "K&R C", Brian Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie MACRO-10 1978 assembly language for the DEC PDP-10 and DECSYSTEM-20 TeX 1978 tau, epsilon, and chi for art/craft. Donald Knuth make 1979 make(1) OpenBSD: "make ... appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX" Ada 1980 US MoD attempt to unify software; safety-critical, real-time USENET 1980 tcsh 1981 TENEX C shell. has completion but no functions SunOS 1982 UNIX system by Sun, now marketed as Solaris K&R2 1982 2nd revision of K&R SMTP 1982 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. RFC 821, 5321 (2008) C++ 1983 C with classes, Bjarne Stroustrup GNU 1983 GNU is not UNIX. Richard Stallman, MIT ksh 1983 KornShell, David Korn, Bell Labs Word 1983 GNU Emacs 1984 GNU Emacs. The first and still poster project of GNU CL 1984 Common Lisp, the industrial-strength Lisp dialect 4D 1984 the "Silver Surfer", a RDBMS. Laurent Ribardière, France LaTeX 1984 typesetting for PDF. Leslie Lamport, SRI, California OFM 1984 orthodox file manager, e.g. Midnight Commander POP 1984 Post Office Protocol, POP1. RFC 918 Elisp 1985 Emacs Lisp Amiga 1985 computers by Commodore, 1985-1996. Motorola 680x0 ~7MHz CPU Caml 1985 Categorical Abstract Machine Language, ML dialect, France FSF 1985 Free Software Foundation POSIX 1985 Portable Operating System Interface, IEEE-IX, coined by rms Erlang 1986 Ericsson, concurrent/distributed real-time high availability Tetris 1986 Alexey Pajitnov, Academy of Science, USSR sdf 1987 Super Dimension Fortress, Unix and FOSS community SWI-Prolog 1987 Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Informatica Prolog, a free Prolog OS/2 1987 IBM/MS OS (analogue to the PS/2 line of PCs), Ed Iacobucci Excel 1987 GIF 1987 Graphics Interchange Format, Steve Wilhite NetHack 1987 rogue-like D&D. based on Rogue (1980) and Hack (1982) Perl 1987 Unix scripting language, Larry Wall screen 1987 GNU terminal multiplexer, TU Berlin VGA 1987 Video Graphics Array DSL 1988 Digital subscriber line/loop SIOD 1988 Scheme In One Defun/Day, interpreted extension language PicoLisp 1988 Minimalistic Lisp built on one data type, the cell Tcl 1988 ("tickle") interpreted, compact programming language IBM-i 1988 IBM integrated IRC 1988 Internet Relay Chat, Jarkko Oikarinen PHIGS 1988 Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System. 3D POP3 1988 POP3, RFC 1081 and 1939 ICB 1989 Internet Citizen's Band, early chat program/protocol ANSI-C 1989 ANSI-C bash 1989 GNU Bash (Bourne Again Shell), Brian Fox. dash 1989 Debian Almquist shell, Kenneth Almquist. fast FL 1989 Function Level, John Backus Windows 1989 groff 1990 GNU implementation of ditroff by James Clark Hurd 1990 Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons; GNU Hurd, FSF microkernel Hird 1990 Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth Haskell 1990 side-effect free functional programming J 1990 Scilab 1990 tech computing, FOSS MATLAB. INRiA/ENPC SML 1990 Standard Meta Language, ML dialect SNES 1990 Super Famicom/Nintendo Entertainment System, 16-bit. Japan WWW 1990 Tim Berners-Lee, CERN. web browser, server, HTML, URL, HTTP zsh 1990 POSIX-style shell with many features DocBook 1991 Semantic markup language for technical documentation SSA 1991 static single assignment, variables assigned oncee. compiler GMP 1991 GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library Gopher 1991 IP network protocol, yielded to HTTP GSM 1991 groupe spécial mobile, 2G HTTP 1991 CERN Hypertext Transfer Protocol. IETF/W3C IP bundle Linux 1991 Monolithic Unix kernel, Linus Torvalds Vim 1991 Vi IMproved [vi] Python 1991 interpreted OO. significant whitespace. name from UK show RIFF 1991 Resource Interchange File Format. generic container, chunks SIM 1991 Subscriber Identity Module, Germany/Finland XEmacs 1991 fork/split derived from GNU Emacs version 18 Roscosmos 1992 State Space Corporation, Moscow, Russia SLS 1992 Softlanding Linux System, first comprehensive distribution Plan 9 1992 distributed Unix, Bell Labs OSF/1 1992 Open Software Foundation's Unix for DEC Alpha, Mach kernel JPG 1992 [JPEG] JPEG 1992 Joint Photographic Experts Group, lossy compression. IBM etc OpenGL 1992 C GFX library, cross-language 2D/3D industry standard SimLife 1992 "SimLife: The Genetic Playground", game by Maxis SMS 1992 Short Message Service, 160 chars Slackware 1993 Patrick Volkerding. The oldest distribution still maintained CNSA 1993 China National Space Administration. Haidian, Beijing R 1993 GNU version of AT&T/Bell S for computation and stats ncurses 1993 new curses, API for terminal-independent TUI on Unix Pentium 1993 x86 architecture-compatible microprocessors by Intel NetBSD 1993 portability-focused BSD that runs Linux FreeBSD 1993 focuses on offering a complete BSD ready for any purpose Guile 1993 GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions SGCS 1993 Silicon Graphics Computer Systems. high-end 3D, e.g. IRIS AppleScript 1993 System 7 and OSX scripting language CGI 1993 Central Gateway Interface (also Computer-generated imagery) R 1993 stats/data mining, S with lexical scope. New Zealand Solaris 1993 the new name for SunOS after SunOS 4 (?) Debian 1993 IAN Murdock (+ DEBra Lynn) the Linux distro's distro HTML 1993 HyperText Markup Language. Tim Berners-Lee, CERN Lua 1993 Brazil. Portuguese, Moon. extension/embedded PDF 1993 Portable Document Format. Adobe. based on PostScript Acme 1994 Rob Pike's Plan 9 text editor with mouse chording slrn 1994 the S-Lang read news newsreader, by John E Davis Daytona USA 1994 high-grossing arcade NASCAR racing game by Sega GeoCities 1994 Marathon 1994 Bungie. Apple Macintosh Netscape 1994 UML 1994 Unified Modeling Language for visual software engineering PlayStation 1994 Japan, 1995 in Europe. Sony URL 1994 Uniform Resource Locator: protocol, hostname, file ECL 1995 Embeddable Common Lisp, used with applications in C GIMP 1995 GNU Image Manipulation Program, raster graphics editor ATX 1995 PSU/motherboard size. Advanced Technology eXtended, Intel Altavista 1995 Apache 1995 Apache HTTP Server Gnus 1995 GNU Emacs Gnus Network User Services, by L M Ingebrigtsen Java 1995 JavaScript 1995 _not_ shabby-construction, web-programming with a C++ syntax Mesa 1995 Linux OpenGL API translation to hardware drivers mIRC 1995 Khaled Mardam-Bey MySQL 1995 Swedish female name My PHP 1995 Personal Home Page (or PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) WC2 1995 Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness. Blizzard Ruby 1995 productivity-focused language. "Matz" Matsumoto, Japan CSS 1996 W3C pseudo-elements, Cascading Style Sheets XML 1996 Extensible Markup Language WC2 BtDP 1996 Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal J++ 1996 Visual J++, Microsoft implementation of Java. Discont'd 2004 DVD 1996 Digital Video/Versatile Disc. Sony et al. Japan OCaml 1996 Objective Caml. OOP Caml ML. INRiA, France PNG 1996 Portable Network Graphics ("PING"), lossless raster graphics RDF 1996 Resource Description Framework, W3C metadata specification Quake 1996 in C. seamless, glitch-free picture-perfect game mechanics HOMM2 1996 Heroes of Might and Magic 2 ICQ 1996 "I Seek You". Israel OpenBSD 1996 Theo de Raadt's secure-by-default NetBSD fork Tamagotchi 1996 Akihiro Yokoi, Japan. handheld digital pet toy USB 1996 Universal Serial Bus fvwm 1997 F (Feeble) Virtual Window Manager, by Robert Nation SEO 1997 Search Engine Optimization Winamp 1997 media player for Windows by Frankel & Boldyrev's Nullsoft AAC 1997 Advanced Audio Coding, lossy compress, successor of mp3 Fallout 1997 FF7 1997 Final Fantasy 7, Square, Japan SASL 1997 Simple Authentication and Security Layer, in protocols XUL 1997 XML User Interface Language. Netscape/Mozilla OpenSSL 1998 Transport Layer Security/Secure Socket Layer, crypto library Script-Fu 1998 GIMP extention language based on the TinyScheme interpreter Celeron 1998 Intel microprocessor for low-end IA-32/x86-64 compatibles StarCraft 1998 TinyScheme 1998 interpreted extension language, e.g. previously for GIMP JSON 1999 JavaScript Object Notation, language-independent data format SBCL 1999 Steel Bank Common Lisp. Compiled CL, very fast SACD 1999 Super Audio CD, Sony/Philips, intended CD successor Gimp-Python 1999 GIMP extension language based on Python RSS 1999 web feed, Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary Ajax 1999 client side asynchronous web Bluetooth 1999 C99 1999 backward compatibility DVI 1999 Digital Visual Interface Irssi 1999 IRC client in C by Timo Sirainen, Finland RSS 1999 RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, web feed C# 2000 C for sharp programmers Gentoo 2000 Portage Linux distro, compiled locally PlayStation 2 2000 released in Japan 2000-03-04. Sony SRT 2000 SubRip Text Yabasic 2000 (?) Yet Another BASIC. FOSS interpreter. Sony PS2 tax scam GameCube 2001 Processing 2001 visual IDE teaching non-programmers computing, Java syntax iPod 2001 399 USD SPIP 2001 Système de Publication pour l'Internet, colaboration editing Xbox 2001 US game console by Microsoft. The Windows/Direct X console Firefox 2002 GOTO++ 2002 parody programming language, France HDMI 2002 High-Definition Multimedia Interface LLVM 2003 Low Level Virtual Machine, portanle compiler tools (IR) NAT 2003 Network address translation DotA 2003 Defense of the Ancients, mod for WarCraft 3. ventrilo MySpace 2003 Markdown 2004 J Gruber and A Swartz' markup language, appealing to humans Ubuntu 2004 Debian-based Windows Vista. Canonical DragonFly 2004 FreeBSD 4.8 fork, influenced by AmigaOS. HAMMER file system cwm 2004 calm window manager, stacking WM for X. M A Eriksen Facebook 2004 Mark Zuckerberg Xbox 360 2005 Atom 2005 Atom Syndication Format, XML web feed language git 2005 Linus Torvalds Linotte 2005 interpreted 4GL programming language, in French openSUSE 2005 offers Leap, non-commercial version of SUSE Linux Enterprise RoboMind 2005 educational scripting language/environment, in Java. Holland Killer7 2005 Goichi Suda game with a cult appeal Blu-Ray 2006 To supersede the DVD, films and games. Violet laser Trisquel 2007 Trisquel GNU/Linux, Ubuntu derivate without non-free stuff Clojure 2007 Lisp on the Java platform, by Rich Hickey Go 2007 networking language, multiprocessing. static typing. Google iPhone 2007 500 USD, the world's most expensive phone netbook 2007 small, lightweight, legacy-free, inexpensive laptop tmux 2007 OpenBSD/Unix terminal multiplexer in C by Nicholas Marriott Nim 2008 (Nimrod) Feature-rich, multi-paradigm. Static typing DP 2008 DisplayPort, by VESA Void 2008 Void Linux. XBPS, build packages natively from source Tails 2009 The Amnesic Incognito Live System, security Debian distro TXR 2009 feature-rich, fastdev Lisp dialect vtt 2010 W3C's WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks), text with HTML5 media Catrobat 2010 block-based visual programming language. TUG, Austria Rust 2010 memory-safe concurrent programming, C++ syntax. Mozilla systemd 2010 unified Linux system manager. Lennart Poettering WebM 2010 audiovisual royalty-free media file format for HTML5. Google WebP 2010 lossy/lossless. animation, alpha. RIFF, smaller. Google musl 2011 C standard library for Linux ChromeOS 2011 proprietary everything-in-the-browser OS. Google Qubes 2012 Debian/Fedora based Linux distro, the only FOSS CMLS system Elixir 2012 modern Erlang on top of BEAM, with Ruby-like syntax raylib 2013 cross-platform FOSS GFX/game library, in C 2013 the swamplands TOML 2013 Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language. .toml config file format NodeMCU 2013 FOSS firmware IoT $5 single-board microcontroller unit Nyquist 2013 music language based on XLISP. CMU, Yamaha and IBM LibreSSL 2014 FOSS TLS implementation Transistor 2014 RPG by Supergiant. also semiconductor/transistor. 1947, US Searx 2014 meta/aggregate search engine Discord 2015 proprietary, freeware IM/VoIP client swirc 2016 The Universal IRC Client ESP32 2016 Espressif Systems Processor? SoC MCU with WiFi and Bluetooth LSP 2016 Language Server Protocol. MS, Red Hat, Codenvy/Eclipse Che AV1 2018 AOMedia Video 1, successor to VP9. Alliance for Open Media Invidious 2018 security/privacy alternative YouTube frontend Gemini 2019 Gopher on steroids. best power/weight ratio Nitter alternative Twitter frontend