______ _ _____ v2.0.0 | __ \ / \ | __ \ ___ _ | |__| / / _ \ | | | | | __| | | | |__| \ / ___ \ | |__| | _ | _| | |_ |______/ /_/ \_\ |_____/ |_| |___| |___| ------------------------------------------------------------- TLDR: The Linux VT, fbterm, xterm and the GUI Emacs are all fine to use with bad.el. One needs a monospace font, that's all. Hit ` to iterate the fonts that are defined in in bad-fonts.el - and add more, as you find them. ------------------------------------------------------------- In the Linux VTs, the font that looks the best for our purposes is Lat7-TerminusBold16 (8x16) in our opinion. $ sudo aptitude install console-setup console-setup-linux $ sudo chmod +s /bin/setfont $ setfont Lat7-TerminusBold16 If you use fbterm I'm sure you know how to get a cool monospace font. But these lines in ~/.fbtermrc seems to do it: font-names=Terminus:style=bold:antialias=false font-size=16 font-height=16 font-width=8 fbterm is very fast and it can do big and small fonts. Find more potential fonts with: $ fc-list :spacing=mono family | sed 's/ /\\ /g' or with: (defun font-list (pat) (interactive) (or pat (setq pat "mono")) (dolist (f (x-list-fonts pat)) (insert (format "%s\n" f)))) But let's turn ot X then. - for the GPU-accelerated experience: (but is it stable?) $ kitty -o cursor_blink_interval=0 -o font_size=8 - for st, one of the fastest terminal emulators around, some people insist it is _the_ fastest: $ stterm -a -T 'st' -g 80x30 - and for xterm: $ xterm -cm -geometry 80x30+0+0 -T 'xterm' -fullscreen [back to the font issue then] In xterm Terminus might look the best, again: # in ~/.Xresources xterm*faceName: Terminus:bold:pixelsize=16 # and then $ xrdb ~/.Xresources $ xterm And for the X, GUI Emacs, do for example, again as above: emacs.font: terminus-iso8859-7-bold-16 (set-frame-face "terminus-iso8859-7-bold-16") (set-frame-font "-xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1") Monospace: (more in bad-monospace.el included) (set-frame-font "-PfEd-Terminus (TTF)-bold-normal-normal-*-14-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1") (set-frame-font "-PfEd-Terminus (TTF)-medium-normal-normal-*-16-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1") GLHF!