%% this file: %% https://dataswamp.org/~incal/books/books.bib %% %% as PDF: %% https://dataswamp.org/~incal/books/books.pdf %% %% books and comics since summer 2014: %% (how-many "^@\\(book\\|periodical\\)") %%%% terrorism @book{438-dagar, author = {Johan Persson och Martin Schibbye}, isbn = {978-91-85279-25-8}, publisher = {Filter}, title = {438 dagar}, year = {2013} } @book{ulrike-meinhof-en-biografi, author = {Jutta Ditfurth}, isbn = {978-91-0-012050-4}, publisher = {Bonniers}, title = {Ulrike Meinhof - En biografi}, year = {2008 (2007)} } @book{ett-fangelse-utan-murar, author = {Johan Gustafsson och Theodor Lundgren}, isbn = {978-91-89061-80-4}, publisher = {Mondial}, title = {Ett fängelse utan murar}, year = {2021} } @book{det-roda-och-svarta-sparet, author = {Anders Bergman}, cover = {Marianna Prieto}, isbn = {978-91-85767-38-0}, pages = {186}, publisher = {Sekel}, title = {Det röda och svarta spåret. Den politiska extremismens Italien}, year = {2009} } @book{kommando-holger-meins, author = {Dan Hansén and Jens Nordqvist}, isbn = {978-91-7037-234-6}, pages = {352}, publisher = {Ordfront}, title = {Kommando Holger Meins}, year = {2006} } @book{terrorismens-historia, author = {Björn Kumm}, isbn = {91-88930-23-8}, publisher = {Historisk media}, title = {Terrorismens historia}, year = {1998} } %%%% math @book{elementary-linear-algebra, author = {Howard Anton and Chris Rorres}, edition = {10th edition}, isbn = {978-0-470-56157-7}, publisher = {Wiley}, title = {Elementary Linear Algebra}, year = {2011} } %%%% astronomy, space % incorrect ISBN checksum, should be X % @book{astronomi-for-alla-1996, % author = {Gunnar Welin}, % isbn = {91-517-2930-4}, % publisher = {Rabén Prisma}, % title = {Astronomi för alla}, % year = {1996} % } @book{astronomi-for-alla, author = {Gunnar Welin}, isbn = {91-518-1732-2}, publisher = {Prisma}, title = {Astronomi för alla}, year = {1985} } %%%% Eugen Semitjov @book{mellan-drom-och-verklighet, author = {Eugen Semitjov}, isbn = {91-582-0051-7}, publisher = {Askild \& Kärnekull}, title = {Mellan dröm och verklighet: rapport från "den inre rymden"}, year = {1979} } @book{bortom-tid-och-rum, author = {Eugen Semitjov}, isbn = {91-7008-849-7}, publisher = {Askild \& Kärnekull}, title = {Bortom tid och rum}, year = {1977} } @book{de-otroliga-tefaten, author = {Eugen Semitjov}, isbn = {91-7008-436-X}, publisher = {Askild \& Kärnekull}, title = {De otroliga tefaten}, year = {1974} } @book{det-kommer-en-dag, author = {Eugen Semitjov}, isbn = {91-7008-084-4}, publisher = {Askild \& Kärnekull}, title = {Det kommer en dag...}, year = {1972} } %%%% craft @book{nya-sa-funkar-det-new, author = {David Macanlay}, isbn = {91-638-3683-1}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Nya Så funkar det (The New Way Things Work)}, year = {1988} } @book{den-fullandade-fiskaren, author = {Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton}, publisher = {Wahlström \& Widstrand}, title = {Den fulländade fiskaren}, year = {1964} } @book{renovering-av-gamla-mobler, author = {Lars Sjöberg and Hans Sundblom}, isbn = {91-534-0147-6}, publisher = {ICA}, title = {Renovering av gamla möbler}, year = {1971} } %%%% arms trade, guns @book{arhundradets-brott, author = {Stefan Hedlund}, isbn = {91-7054-940-0}, publisher = {Fischer}, title = {Århundradets brott - historien om hur Jeltsins män plundrade Ryssland}, year = {2000} } @book{kapitalism-i-ryssland, author = {Roj Medvedev}, isbn = {91-87670-25-9}, publisher = {ETC}, title = {Kapitalism i Ryssland?}, year = {1999} } @book{russian-arms-transfers-to-east, author = {Alexander Sergounin}, isbn = {0-19-829576-6}, publisher = {Oxford}, title = {Russian Arms Transfers to East Asia in the 1990s}, year = {1999} } @book{russia-and-the-arms-trade, author = {Ian Anthony}, isbn = {0-19-829278-3}, publisher = {Oxford}, title = {Russia and the Arms Trade}, year = {1998} } @book{den-kriminella-revolutionen-i-ryssland, author = {Stanislav Govoruchin}, isbn = {91-88420-13-2}, publisher = {Tranan}, title = {Den kriminella revolutionen i Ryssland - tre år efter Sovjets upplösning}, year = {1994} } @book{arms-transfers-and-dependence, author = {Christian Catrina}, isbn = {0844815926}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, title = {Arms Transfers and Dependence}, year = {1988} } @book{global-politics-of-arms-sales, author = {Andrew Pierre}, isbn = {0691022070}, publisher = {Princeton}, title = {The Global Politics of Arms Sales}, year = {1982} } @book{den-stora-polemiken, author = {Nils Holmberg}, isbn = {917242088X}, publisher = {Oktober}, title = {Den stora polemiken: polemiken om generallinjen i den internationella kommunistiska rörelsen}, year = {1977} } @book{vapenbutiken, author = {Anthony Sampson}, isbn = {9146129367}, publisher = {Wahlström \& Widstrand}, title = {Vapenbutiken}, translator= {Sam Lundwall}, year = {1977} } @book{arms-trade-with-the-third-world, author = {SIPRI}, isbn = {391-00-197-3}, publisher = {Almkvist \& Wiksell and Humanities}, title = {The Arms Trade with the Third World}, year = {1971} } @book{kriget-som-affar, author = {George Thayer}, publisher = {Wahlström \& Widstrand}, title = {Kriget som affär. Den internationella vapenhandeln}, year = {1969} } @book{mina-vanner-vapenhandlarna, author = {Bernt Engelmann}, publisher = {Natur \& kultur}, title = {Mina vänner vapenhandlarna}, translator= {Roland Adlerberth}, year = {1966} } %%%% birds @book{birds, author = {Christopher Perrins}, isbn = {91-34-50363-3}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Jordens djur. Fåglarna (World of Animals. Birds)}, year = {1987 (1985)} } % Hollywood movie 2011 % https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Year % 675 bird species in the US and Canada % current record: John Weigel, Australia, 2019, 840 @book{det-stora-aret, author = {Mark Obmascik}, isbn = {91-7139-726-4}, publisher = {Brutus Östling Symposion}, title = {Det stora året (The Big Year)}, year = {2005 (2004)} } @book{europas-rovfaglar, author = {Gunnar Pettersson}, isbn = {91-7810-061-5}, publisher = {Aquila}, title = {Europas rovfåglar}, year = {1984} } @book{svenska-faglar, author = {Lars Imby}, isbn = {91-29-58726-3}, publisher = {Rabén \& Sjögren}, title = {Svenska fåglar -- en fälthandbok}, year = {1987} } @book{faglarna-i-farg, author = {Sigfrid Durango}, isbn = {91-1-85-4002-3}, publisher = {Nordstedt}, title = {Fåglarna i färg}, year = {1986} } @book{rovfaglar-i-europa, author = {Benny Génsbøl}, isbn = {91-1-854082-1}, publisher = {Norstedt}, title = {Rovfåglar i Europa}, year = {1986 (1984)} } @book{forsta-fagelboken, author = {Lars Klinting}, isbn = {978-91-29-59023-4}, publisher = {Rabén \& Sjögren}, title = {Första fågelboken}, year = {2007} } @book{lilla-naturserien, author = {Tore Fonstad and Ulf Svedberg}, isbn = {91-518-4652-7}, publisher = {Prisma}, title = {Lilla naturserien: Fåglar}, year = {2006} } %%%% maps @book{atlas-till-historien, author = {Generalstabens litografiska anstalt}, isbn = {91-21-13074-4}, publisher = {Almqvist \& Wiksell}, title = {Atlas till historien}, year = {1993} } @book{libers-varldsatlas, author = {Liber}, isbn = {47-80121-2}, publisher = {Liber}, title = {Libers världsatlas}, year = {2001} } %%%% dinosaurs @book{skrackodlornas-varld, author = {Douglas Dixon}, isbn = {91-32-12646-8}, publisher = {Aladdin}, title = {Skräcködlornas värld}, year = {1985} } @book{urtidsbilder, author = {Anna Davour and Simon Stålenhag}, isbn = {9789188805034}, publisher = {Fria Ligan}, title = {Urtidsbilder}, year = {2019} } %%%% nature @book{kosmos-en-kortkort-historik, author = {Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow}, isbn = {91-518-4657-8}, publisher = {Prisma}, title = {Kosmos, en kortkort historik (A Briefer History of Time)}, year = {2006 (2005)} } @book{vara-insekter, author = {Sidsel Sangild och Håkan Elmquist}, isbn = {978-97-518-4764-1}, publisher = {Prisma}, title = {Våra insekter}, year = {2007} } @book{gryning-over-kalahari, author = {Lasse Berg}, isbn = {978-91-7037-681-8}, publisher = {Ordfront}, title = {Gryning över Kalahari}, year = {2012} } %%%% society @book{sjalvbiografi-av-mannen-som-skapade-virgin, author = {Richard Branson}, isbn = {91-7738-481-4}, publisher = {Svenska förlaget}, title = {Självbiografi av mannen som skapade Virgin}, year = {1998} } @book{contemporary-brittish-society, author = {Nicholas Abercrombie and Alan Warde}, isbn = {0-7456-2297-6}, publisher = {Polity}, title = {Contemporary Brittish Society}, year = {2000 (1988)} } %%%% espionage @book{spionen-bergling, author = {Jonas Bonnier}, isbn = {978-91-001914-1-2}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Spionen Bergling}, year = {2022} } @book{fotohandlaren-i-bizonien, author = {Jan Bergman}, isbn = {978-91-1-308150-2}, publisher = {Norstedts}, title = {Fotohandlaren i Bizonien}, year = {2014} } @book{kodnamn-mikael, author = {Tomas Bresky}, isbn = {978-91-7037-374-9}, publisher = {Ordfront}, title = {Kodnamn: Mikael. Spionaffären Enbom och kalla kriget}, year = {2008} } %%%% politics @book{mussolini, author = {Göran Hägg}, isbn = {978-91-1-301949-9}, maps = {Stig Söderlind}, publisher = {Norstedts}, title = {Mussolini. En studie i makt}, year = {2008} } @book{mansken-kom, author = {Stefan Lindgren}, isbn = {91-7324-327-2}, publisher = {Ordfront}, title = {Månsken, kom!}, year = {1989} } @book{i-vargens-gap, author = {Stefan Lindgren}, isbn = {91-7324-270-5}, maps = {Stig Söderlind}, pages = {204}, publisher = {Ordfront}, title = {I vargens gap}, year = {1986} } @book{resa-i-afghanistan, author = {Jan Myrdal}, publisher = {Pan}, title = {Resa i Afghanistan}, year = {1971} } @book{confessions-of-a-disloyal-european, author = {Jan Myrdal}, publisher = {Vintage}, title = {Confessions of a Disloyal European}, year = {1969} } @book{vanstervridningen, author = {Christopher Jolin}, isbn = {91-500-0277-5}, publisher = {VOX}, title = {Vänstervridningen: Hotet mot demokratin i Sverige}, year = {1972} } @book{socialismens-sista-sommar, author = {Håkan Blomqvist}, isbn = {9172034815}, publisher = {Carlssons}, title = {Socialismens sista sommar}, year = {2002} } @book{fascism, author = {Madeleine Albright}, isbn = {9780062802187}, publisher = {Harper Collins}, title = {Fascism: A Warning}, year = {2018} } %%%% boxing @book{alltid-lite-till, author = {Frida Wallberg and Malin Jonson}, isbn = {978-91-85279-47-0}, publisher = {Offside}, title = {Alltid lite till: om att slåss för sitt liv}, year = {2016} } @book{fighting-fit, author = {Doug Werner and Alan Lachia}, isbn = {1-884654-02-9}, publisher = {Tracks}, title = {Fighting Fit}, year = {2000} } @book{boxings-ten-commandments, author = {Doug Werner and Alan Lachia}, isbn = {1-884654-28-2}, publisher = {Tracks}, title = {Boxing's Ten Commandments}, year = {2007} } @book{speed-training-for-combat-boxing, author = {J Barnes}, isbn = {0-9768998-0-9}, publisher = {Fitness Lifestyle}, title = {Speed Training for Combat, Boxing, Martial Arts, and MMA}, year = {2005} } %%%% sport @book{jag-ar-fotboll, author = {Zlatan Ibrahimović and Mats Olsson}, isbn = {978-91-7424-581-3}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Jag är fotboll}, year = {2018} } @book{nar-ljuset-slaktes, author = {Magnus Hedman and Gunnar von Sydow}, isbn = {978-91-1-304908-3}, publisher = {Norstetds}, title = {När ljuset släktes}, year = {2013} } @book{vad-jag-pratar-om-nar, author = {Haruki Murakami}, isbn = {9789113089454}, publisher = {Nordstedt}, title = {Vad jag pratar om när jag pratar om löpning}, year = {2010} } %%%% true crime @book{gomorra, author = {Roberto Salviano}, isbn = {978-91-7337-072-1}, publisher = {Bromberg}, title = {Gomorra: en resa i Camorrans land}, year = {2006} } @book{familjen, author = {Johanna Bäckström Lerneby}, isbn = {978-91-89061-15-6}, publisher = {Mondial}, title = {Familjen}, year = {2020} } @book{stockholmssyndromet, author = {Janne Olsson}, isbn = {978-91-7232193-9}, publisher = {Månpocket}, title = {Stockholmssyndromet: en självbiografi}, year = {2009} } @book{texter-om-herr-m, author = {Clark Olofsson and Brita Lang}, isbn = {91 7054 236 8}, publisher = {Författarförlaget}, title = {Texter om Herr M:s samhällsnyttiga verksamhet}, year = {1977} } %%%% Israel @book{i-krig-och-fred, author = {David Ben Gurion}, publisher = {Askild \& Kärnekull}, title = {I krig och fred}, year = {1970} } @book{mitt-liv, author = {Golda Meir}, isbn = {91-1-763042-8}, publisher = {Norsteds}, title = {Mitt liv}, year = {1976} } %%%% hav, sea, ocean, boat @book{no-turning-back-south-american, author = {Benjamin "Coach" Wade}, isbn = {978-0-9833526-0-0}, publisher = {Shapato}, title = {No Turning Back -- The South American Expedition of a Dragon Slayer}, year = {2011} } @book{fiberglass-boat-repair-manual, author = {Allan Vaitses}, isbn = {0-07-156914-6}, publisher = {International Marine}, title = {The Fiberglass Boat Repair Manual}, year = {1988} } @book{glass-fibre-boat-repair, author = {James Yates}, isbn = {1-85223-699-0}, publisher = {Helmsman Guides}, title = {Glass-Fibre Boat Repair}, year = {1992} } @book{de-sju-haven, author = {Peter Freuchen}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {De sju haven}, year = {1960} } %%%% skatter, treasures @book{forsvunna-skatter, author = {John Wright}, isbn = {91-510-6483-9}, publisher = {Carlsen}, title = {Försvunna skatter}, year = {1992} } @book{skattskepp, author = {Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Philippe Diolé}, isbn = {91 582-0023-1}, publisher = {Askild \& Kärnekull}, title = {Skattskepp}, year = {1971} } @book{skattsokare, author = {Hans Roden}, publisher = {Nybloms}, title = {Skattsökare}, year = {1963} } @book{sjunkna-skatter, author = {Pierre de Latil and Jean Rivoire}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Sjunkna skatter}, year = {1959} } @book{sjunkna-och-nergravda-skatter, author = {Rupert Furneaux}, isbn = {91 510 0617 0}, publisher = {Carlsen}, title = {Sjunkna och nergrävda skatter}, year = {1975} } %%%% media @book{blasningen, author = {Håkan Lager and Love Svensson}, isbn = {91-7324-889-4}, publisher = {Ordfront}, title = {Blåsningen. Historien om kommersiell TV i Sverige}, year = {2003} } %%%% Heyerdahl, rafts @book{solbaten, author = {Göran Schildt}, publisher = {Wahlström \& Widstrand}, title = {Solbåten}, year = {1961 (1956)} } @book{expedition-ra, author = {Thor Heyerdahl}, isbn = {91-37-07245-5}, publisher = {Forum}, title = {Expedition Ra}, year = {1970} } @book{det-stora-vagspelet, author = {Alain Brun and Bengt Danielsson}, isbn = {9177988515}, publisher = {Carlsson}, title = {Det stora vågspelet: Tahiti Nui-expeditionen}, year = {1994 (1959)} } @book{tigris, author = {Thor Heyerdahl}, isbn = {91-1-793362-5}, publisher = {Norstedt}, title = {Tigris. På spaning efter vårt ursprung}, year = {1979} } @book{fatuhiva, author = {Thor Heyerdahl}, isbn = {91-37-05772-3}, publisher = {Forum}, title = {Fatuhiva. Tillbaka till naturen}, year = {1975} } @book{expedition-kon-tiki-1949, author = {Thor Heyerdahl}, publisher = {Forum}, title = {Expedition Kon-Tiki}, translator= {Bengt Danielsson}, year = {1949}, note = {Innehåller kartor samt fotografier med bildtexter.} } @book{aku-aku, author = {Thor Heyerdahl}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Aku-aku. Påsköns hemlighet}, year = {1957} } %%%% activism, survivalism, prepp @book{fran-sydostra-mexicos-underjordiska-berg, author = {Subcomandante Marcos and Erik Gustafsson}, isbn = {91-89291-10-7}, publisher = {Manifest}, title = {Från sydöstra Mexicos underjordiska berg}, year = {2001 (1993-2000)} } @book{zombieoverlevnad, author = {Herman Geijer and Jimmy Wallin}, isbn = {978-91-87877-08-7}, publisher = {Apart}, title = {Zombieöverlevnad. Din guide till apokalypsen}, year = {2014} } @book{om-krisen-eller-kriget-kommer, author = {MSB}, isbn = {978-91-7383-808-5}, publisher = {MSB}, title = {Om krisen eller kriget kommer}, year = {2018} } %%%% military @book{talibanerna, author = {Ahmed Rashid}, isbn = {978-91-86936-31-0}, publisher = {Svenska Afghanistankommitén}, title = {Talibanerna}, year = {2010} } @book{svenskar-i-strid, author = {Anders Carlén och Mattias Falk}, isbn = {978-91-7503-201-6}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Svenskar i strid: Veteranernas historier 1943-2011}, year = {2012} } @book{fientligt-hav, author = {Peter Huchthansen and Igor Kurdin and R Alan White}, isbn = {91-43-02227-8}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Fientligt hav (Hostile Waters)}, year = {1997} } %%%% WW2 % 43 källor @book{forsta-och-andra-varldskriget, author = {Göran Rystad och Sven Tägil}, isbn = {91-44-03981-6}, publisher = {Studentlitteratur}, title = {Första och andra världskriget}, year = {1976} } %%%% Churchill @book{andra-varldskriget-4, author = {Winston Churchill}, publisher = {Skoglunds}, title = {Andra världskriget 4. Minnen}, year = {1951} } @book{andra-varldskriget-3, author = {Winston Churchill}, publisher = {Skoglunds}, title = {Andra världskriget 3. Minnen}, year = {1950} } %%%% SEA, South East Asia @book{vietnams-historia, author = {Hans Hägerdal}, isbn = {91-85057-10-X}, publisher = {Historisk media}, title = {Vietnams historia}, year = {2005} } @book{pol-pot-regime, author = {Ben Kiernan}, isbn = {978-0-300-14434-5}, publisher = {Yale}, title = {The Pol Pot Regime}, year = {1996-2008} } %%%% China @book{rod-stjarna-over-kina, author = {Edgar Snow}, isbn = {91-7008-697-4}, publisher = {Askild \& Kärnekull}, title = {Röd stjärna över Kina}, year = {1971} } @book{kinas-historia, author = {Hans Hägerdal}, isbn = {978-91-85873-88-3}, publisher = {Historisk media}, title = {Kinas historia}, year = {2008} } @book{morgondagens-flod, author = {Han Suyin}, publisher = {Norstedt}, title = {Morgondagens flod: Mao Tse-tung och den kinesiska revolutionen 1893-1953}, year = {1972} } @book{marco-polos-aventyr-i-kina, author = {Milton Rugoff}, publisher = {Allhems}, title = {Marco Polos äventyr i Kina (Marco Polo's Adventures in China)}, year = {1965 (1964)} } %%%% writing, language @book{stora-engelsk-svenska-ordboken, author = {Vincent Petti}, isbn = {91-7227-108-6}, publisher = {Norstedts}, title = {Stora engelsk-svenska ordboken}, year = {1999} } @book{modern-engelsk-svensk-ordbok, author = {Bror Danielsson}, isbn = {91-518-0795-5}, publisher = {Prisma}, title = {Modern engelsk-svensk ordbok}, year = {1984} } @book{kortfattad-etymologisk-ordbok, author = {Elias Wessén}, publisher = {Språkförlaget}, title = {Kortfattad etymologisk ordbok. Våra ord, deras uttal och ursprung}, year = {1969 (1932)} } @book{russian-for-beginners, author = {Y G Ovsiyenko}, isbn = {5-200-03271-7}, publisher = {Russky Yazyk}, title = {Russian for Beginners}, year = {2005} } @book{new-oxford-dictionary-for-scientific, author = {Elizabeth Martin}, edition = {2nd edition}, isbn-13 = 9780199545155, publisher = {Oxford}, title = {New Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors}, year = {2009} } %%%% travel @book{historien-om-ostindienfararna, author = {Herman Lindkvist}, isbn = {91-7953-283-7}, publisher = {Hansson \& Lundwall}, title = {Historien om ostindienfararna}, year = {2002} } %% film "Into the Wild" (2007) @book{in-i-vildmarken-into-the-wild, author = {Jon Krakauer}, isbn = {91-37-11500-6}, publisher = {Forum}, title = {In i vildmarken (Into the Wild)}, year = {1999 (1996)} } @book{3-x-kapuscinski, author = {Ryszard Kapuściński}, isbn = {978-91-7429-206-0}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {3 x Kapuściński}, year = {1993} } @book{bryssel, author = {Ingmarie Froman}, isbn = {91-7324-402-3}, publisher = {Ordfront}, title = {Bryssel}, year = {1992} } @book{abacka, author = {Gunda Sjögren}, isbn = {91-85400-00-9}, publisher = {Idé och kultur}, title = {Åbacka}, year = {1975} } %%%% mental-physical @book{meditation-for-avspanning-och-okad-kraft, author = {Ulrica Norberg}, isbn = {9789173484831}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Meditation för avspänning och ökad kraft}, year = {2010} } %%%% Conn Iggulden @book{dynastins-arvinge, author = {Conn Iggulden}, isbn = {978-91-0-012814-2}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Dynastins arvinge. Erövraren 5}, year = {2011} } @book{silvrets-rike, author = {Conn Iggulden}, IFCD = {1062}, isbn = {978-91-7433-056-4}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Silvrets rike. Erövraren 4}, year = {2010} } @book{stappens-krigare, author = {Conn Iggulden}, isbn = {978-91-0-011332-2}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Stäppens krigare. Erövraren 1}, year = {2007} } @book{krigets-gudar, author = {Conn Iggulden}, isbn = {91-7953-436-8}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Krigets gudar. Kejsaren 4}, year = {2006} } @book{kungars-dod, author = {Conn Iggulden}, IFCD = {953}, isbn = {978-91-7413-043-0}, publisher = {Bonnier}, reader = {Torsten Wahlund}, title = {Kungars död. Kejsaren 2}, year = {2003} } @book{roms-portar, author = {Conn Iggulden}, IFCD = {319}, isbn = {91-7953-432-5}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Roms portar. Kejsaren 1}, year = {2003} } %%%% Ken Follet @book{fall-of-giants, author = {Ken Follet}, isbn = {978-0-230-74509-4}, publisher = {Macmillian}, title = {Fall of Giants. Century 1}, year = {2010} } @book{edge-of-eternity, author = {Ken Follett}, isbn-10 = 0525953094, publisher = {Dutton}, title = {Edge of Eternity. Century 3}, year = {2014} } @book{winter-of-the-world, author = {Ken Follett}, isbn-10 = 0451468228, publisher = {Signet}, title = {Winter of the World. Century 2}, year = {2014} } %%%% pen-and-paper RPGs %% Joe Dever owns "Lone Wolf" @book{ensamma-vargen-4, author = {Joe Dever}, isbn = {978-91-87987-11-3}, publisher = {Åskfågeln}, title = {Ensamma vargen 4: Domedagsklyftan}, year = {2015} } @book{aventyrsspel, author = {Orvar Säfström and Jimmy Wilhelmsson}, isbn = {978-91-76-29345-4}, publisher = {Bokfabriken}, title = {Äventyrsspel: bland mutanter, drakar och demoner}, year = {2017} } %%%% science fiction, sf @book{uppdrag-i-universum, author = {Karin Lundwall}, isbn = {978-91-985840-2-8}, publisher = {Tragus}, title = {Uppdrag i universum}, year = {2021} } @book{memos-from-purgatory, author = {Harlan Ellison}, isbn = {9781497643123}, publisher = {Open Road}, title = {Memos from Purgatory: An Autobiography}, year = {2014} } @book{en-intervju-med-j-k, author = {J K Rowling and Lindsey Fraser}, isbn = {91-88877-75-2}, publisher = {Tiden}, title = {En intervju med J K Rowling (Telling Tales)}, year = {2001 (2000)} } @book{science-fiction-vid-gasljus, author = {Sam J Lundvall}, isbn = {91-7228-235-5}, publisher = {Delta}, title = {Science fiction vid gasljus}, year = {1980} } @book{en-varldsomsegling-under-havet-vingt, art = {De Neuville}, author = {Jules Verne}, isbn = {91-20-07572-3}, publisher = {AWE/Gebers and Almqvist \& Wiksell and Natur \& Kultur}, title = {En världsomsegling under havet (Vingt mille lieues sous les mers)}, translator= {Roland Adlerberth}, year = {1981, 1992 (1870)} } @book{solaris, author = {Stanislaw Lem}, isbn = {91-7608-431-0}, pages = {231}, publisher = {Bromberg}, title = {Solaris}, translator= {Johan Malm}, year = {1988, 1984 (1961)} } @book{revelation-space, author = {Alastair Reynolds}, isbn = {1-85798-748-9}, pages = {545}, publisher = {Gollancz}, title = {Revelation Space}, year = {2000} } @book{morkrets-mur-och-andra-noveller, author = {Arthur C Clarke}, isbn = {91-7228-061-1}, publisher = {Delta}, title = {Mörkrets mur och andra noveller}, year = {1975} } @book{pa-andra-sidan-drommen, author = {Ursula Le Guin}, isbn = {91-85668-01-X}, publisher = {Kindbergs}, title = {På andra sidan drömmen}, year = {1979 (1971)} } @book{den-okanda-lagen, author = {Isaac Asimov}, isbn = {91-582-0722-8}, publisher = {Legenda (Nightfall)}, title = {Den okända lagen (Robots and Empire)}, translator= {Roland Adlerberth}, year = {1986 (1985)} } @book{end-of-eternity, author = {Isaac Asimov}, publisher = {panther}, title = {The End of Eternity}, year = {1969 (1955)} } @book{en-gang-skall-vi-alla, author = {Joanna Russ}, isbn = {91-85668-07-9}, publisher = {Kindbergs}, title = {En gång skall vi alla...}, year = {1975} } @book{marriages-between-zones-three-four-and-five, author = {Doris Lessing}, isbn = {0 00 654720 6}, publisher = {Flamingo}, title = {The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four, and Five}, year = {1994 (1981)} } @book{kallocain, author = {Karin Boye}, isbn = {91-0-055591-6}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Kallocain}, year = {1998 (1940)} } @book{billion-year-spree, author = {Brian Aldiss}, isbn = {0 552 09805 1}, publisher = {Corgi}, title = {Billion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction}, year = {1975 (1973)} } @book{non-stop, author = {Brian Aldiss}, isbn = {0 330 24638 0}, publisher = {Pan}, title = {Non-Stop}, year = {1976 (1958)} } %% Nobel Prize (with Eyvind Johnson) 1974, suicide 1978 %% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Martinson %% https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Martinson @book{aniara, author = {Harry Martinsson}, isbn = {91-0-045701-9}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Aniara}, year = {1982 (1956)} } %% på svenska som "Fåglarnas värld" %% i JVM nr 366, december 1977 @book{midsummer-century, author = {James Blish}, isbn = {0385016271}, publisher = {Doubleday}, title = {Midsummer Century}, year = {1972} } @book{den-krympande-mannen-he-who-shrank, author = {Henry Hasse}, isbn = {91-7992-053-5}, publisher = {Fakta \& Fantasi}, title = {Den krympande mannen (He Who Shrank)}, year = {1993 (1936)} } %%%% Alex Garland %% film "The Beach" (2000), director Danny Boyle @book{beach, author = {Alex Garland}, isbn = {978-1-57322-652-3}, publisher = {Riverhead}, title = {The Beach}, year = {1996} } @book{tesseract, author = {Alex Garland}, isbn = {978-1-57322-774-2}, publisher = {Riverhead}, title = {The Tesseract}, year = {1999} } @book{coma, author = {Alex Garland}, isbn = {978-1-59448-085-0}, publisher = {Riverhead}, title = {The Coma}, year = {2004} } %%%% Russian novels @book{katarina-ismajlova-mastersmeden-fran-tula, author = {Nikolaj Ljeskov}, publisher = {Tiden}, title = {Katarina Ismajlova \& Mästersmeden från Tula}, year = {1947} } @book{hadsji-murat-hjalten-fran-kaukasus, author = {Leo Tolstoy}, publisher = {Tiden}, title = {Hadsji Murat - Hjälten från Kaukasus}, year = {1947} } @book{en-berattelse-om-sju-hangda, author = {Leonid Andrejev}, publisher = {Tidens}, title = {En berättelse om sju hängda}, year = {1946} } @book{nikitas-barndom, author = {Aleksej Tolstoj}, publisher = {Tidens}, title = {Nikitas barndom}, year = {1964} } %%%% Jan Guillou @book{madame-terror, author = {Jan Guillou}, isbn-10 = {91-642-0180-5}, isbn-13 = {978-91-642-0180-5}, publisher = {Pirat}, title = {Madame Terror}, year = {2006} } @book{fiendens-fiende, author = {Jan Guillou}, isbn = {978-91-189-2102-5}, publisher = {Bra böcker}, title = {Fiendens fiende}, year = {1989} } % read to 295 @book{i-nationens-intresse, author = {Jan Guillou}, pages = {436}, publisher = {Bra böcker}, title = {I nationens intresse}, year = {1988} } @book{den-demokratiske-terroristen, author = {Jan Guillou}, pages = {322}, publisher = {Bra böcker}, title = {Den demokratiske terroristen}, year = {1987} } % https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Guillou % "Code Name Coq Rouge" (1989-08-25), director Per Berglund % Swedish title "Täcknamn Coq Rouge" % starring Stellan Skarsgård, born 1951-06-13 % time-between 1951-06-13 1989-08-25 # 38y 2m 12d @book{coq-rouge, author = {Jan Guillou}, isbn = {91-1872321-7}, pages = {368}, publisher = {Norstedt}, title = {Coq Rouge}, year = {1986} } %%%% fiction, novels @book{datadyrkarna, author = {Jan-Jöran Stenhagen}, isbn = {91-46-14333-5}, publisher = {Wahlström \& Widstrand}, title = {Datadyrkarna}, year = {1983 (1982)} } %% Nobel Prize 2017 @book{remains-of-the-day, author = {Kazuo Ishiguro}, isbn = {0-571-20073-7}, publisher = {Faber \& Faber}, title = {The Remains of the Day}, year = {1989} } @book{bartleby, author = {Herman Melville}, isbn = {91-7992-041-1}, publisher = {Fakta \& Fantasi}, title = {Bartleby (Bartleby the Scrivener)}, year = {1993 (1856)} } @book{varg-larsen, author = {Jack London}, publisher = {Litteraturfrämjandet}, title = {Varg-Larsen}, year = {1980 (1946)} } @book{hot-over-ostersjon-commander-in-chief, author = {Tom Clancy and Mark Greaney}, isbn = {978-91-88345-21-9}, publisher = {Bookmark}, title = {Hot över Östersjön (Commander in Chief)}, year = {2017 (2015)} } @book{rode-orm, author = {Frans G Bengtsson}, isbn = {978-91-1-304309-8}, publisher = {Norstedt}, reader = {Stephan Karlsén}, title = {Röde Orm}, year = {2012 (1941, 1945)} } @book{djungelboken, author = {Rudyard Kipling}, isbn = {9789157026385}, publisher = {Tukan}, title = {Djungelboken (The Jungle Book)}, year = {2013 (1894)} } %%%% klättring @book{stora-boken-om-klattring, author = {Nils Ragnar Gustavsson}, isbn = {978-91-867738-2-3}, publisher = {Calazo}, title = {Stora boken om klättring}, year = {2012} } @book{klattring-pa-kullaberg, author = {Fredrik Rapp}, isbn = {978-91-637-5307-7}, publisher = {Mud Max}, title = {Klättring på Kullaberg}, year = {2014} } %%%% Everest @book{mammoth-book-of-everest, author = {Jon Lewis (editor)}, isbn = {978-1-4721-2018-2}, publisher = {Robinson}, title = {The Mammoth Book of Everest}, year = {2015 (2003)} } @book{tunn-luft, author = {Jon Krakauer}, isbn = {91-37-11291-0}, publisher = {Forum}, title = {Tunn luft}, year = {1998} } @book{into-thin-air, author = {Jon Krakauer}, isbn = {0385494785}, publisher = {Anchor}, title = {Into Thin Air}, year = {1999 (1997)} } @book{climb, author = {Anatoli Boukreev and G Weston Dewalt}, isbn = {0312168144}, publisher = {St Martin's}, title = {The Climb: Tragic Ambitions on Everest}, year = {1997} } @book{left-for-dead, author = {Beck Weathers and Stephen G Michaud}, isbn = {0375504044}, publisher = {Villard}, title = {Left for Dead: My Journey Home from Everest}, year = {2000} } @book{climbing-high, author = {Lene Gammelgard}, isbn = {0330392271}, publisher = {Pan}, title = {Climbing High: A Woman's Account of Surviving the Everest Tragedy}, year = {2000} } @book{storms, author = {Mike Trueman}, isbn = {978-1-898573-95-1}, publisher = {Baton Wicks}, title = {The Storms: Adventure and Tragedy on Everest}, year = {2015} } @book{after-wind, author = {Lou Kasischke}, isbn = {1940877008}, publisher = {Good Hart}, title = {After The Wind: 1996 Everest Tragedy -- One Survivor's Story}, year = {2014} } @book{mount-everest, author = {Reinhold Messner}, isbn = {91-0-042901-5}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Mount Everest: Till toppen utan syrgas (Expedition Zum Endpunkt)}, year = {1979 (1978)} } @book{erovringen-av-mount-everest, author = {John Hunt}, publisher = {Norstedt}, title = {Erövringen av Mount Everest}, year = {1954} } %%%% Buddhism @book{buddhismen, author = {Catherine Hewitt}, isbn = {622-1329-6}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Buddhismen}, year = {1995} } %%%% French Foreign Legion @book{boyd-french-foreign-legion, author = {Douglas Boyd}, isbn = {1530731666}, publisher = {Endeavour}, title = {The French Foreign Legion}, year = {2016} } @book{french-foreign-legion, author = {Douglas Porch}, isbn = {1-61608-068-X}, publisher = {Skyhorse}, title = {The French Foreign Legion}, year = {2010} } @book{soldaten-som-inte-kunde-do, author = {Knut Häll}, isbn = {91-36-02636-0}, publisher = {LT}, title = {Soldaten som inte kunde dö: svensk äventyrare i Främlingslegionen}, year = {1987} } @book{legionnaire, author = {Simon Murray}, isbn = {978-0-330-48580-7}, publisher = {Pan}, title = {Legionnaire}, year = {1978} } %%%% Aliens @book{aliens-omnibus-6, author = {Mark Schultz and Doug Wheatly}, isbn = {978-1-59582-214-7}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Aliens Omnibus 6}, year = {2009} } @book{aliens-omnibus-5, author = {Jim Woodring and Justin Green and Grancisco Solano Lopez}, isbn = {978-1-59307-991-8}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Aliens Omnibus 5}, year = {2008} } @book{aliens-omnibus-4, author = {Henry Gilroy and Ronnie Del Carmen}, isbn = {978-1-59307-926-0}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Aliens Omnibus 4}, year = {2008} } @book{aliens-omnibus-2, author = {Jerry Prosser and Kelley Jones}, isbn = {1-59307-828-5}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Aliens Omnibus 2}, year = {2007} } @book{aliens-omnibus-1, author = {Mark Nelson and Mark Verheiden}, isbn = {978-1-59307-727-3}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Aliens Omnibus 1}, year = {2007} } %%%% Kull @book{savage-sword-of-kull-2, author = {Charles Dixon and Val Semeiks}, isbn = {978-1-59582-788-3}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Savage Sword of Kull 2}, year = {2011} } %%%% Savage Sword of Conan @book{savage-sword-of-conan-22, author = {Roy Thomas}, isbn = {1616558717}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Savage Sword of Conan 22}, year = {2016} } @book{savage-sword-of-conan-21, author = {Roy Thomas et al}, isbn = {978-1-62655-840-3}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Marvel)}, title = {Savage Sword of Conan 21}, year = {2016 (1993-94)} } @book{savage-sword-of-conan-20, author = {Roy Thomas}, isbn = {1616558695}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {The Savage Sword of Conan 20}, year = {2015} } @book{savage-sword-of-conan-19, author = {Roy Thomas and John Buscema}, isbn = {1616555750}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Savage Sword of Conan 19}, year = {2015} } @book{savage-sword-of-conan-18, author = {Michael Docherty and Ernie Chan and Charles Dixon and Doug Murray and Larry Yakata}, isbn = {1616553693}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Marvel)}, title = {Savage Sword of Conan 18}, year = {2015 (1991)} } @book{savage-sword-of-conan-17, author = {Doug Murray et al}, isbn = {978-1-61655-368-5}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Marvel \#171-180)}, title = {Savage Sword of Conan 17}, year = {2014 (1990)} } @book{savage-sword-of-conan-16, author = {Charles Dixon}, isbn = {978-1-61655-367-8}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Marvel \#161-170)}, title = {Savage Sword of Conan 16}, year = {2014 (1989-90)} } @book{savage-sword-of-conan-13, author = {Charles Dixon}, isbn = {9781616550608}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Savage Sword of Conan 13}, year = {2013} } %%%% King Conan @book{king-conan-10, author = {Don Kraar and Mike Docherty}, isbn = {978-1-61655-372-2}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {King Conan 10}, year = {2015} } @book{king-conan-1, author = {Roy Thomas and John Buscema}, isbn = {978-1-59307-477-7}, publisher = {DC (Marvel)}, title = {King Conan 1}, year = {2010 (1980-81)} } %%%% Chronicles of Conan @book{chronicles-of-conan-29, author = {Gerry Conway and Alfredo Alcala}, isbn = {978-1-61655-375-3}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Chronicles of Conan 29}, year = {2015 (1989-90)} } @book{chronicles-of-conan-26, author = {James Owsley and Val Semeiks}, isbn = {978-1-61655-348-7}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Chronicles of Conan 26}, year = {2014 (1987-88)} } @book{chronicles-of-conan-24, author = {James Owsley and John Buscema}, isbn = {978-1-61655-107-0}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Chronicles of Conan 24}, year = {2013} } @book{chronicles-of-conan-22, author = {Michael Fleisher and John Buscema}, isbn = {978-1-5952-812-5}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Chronicles of Conan 22}, year = {2012 (1983-85)} } @book{chronicles-of-conan-21, author = {Michael Fleischer}, isbn = {1595827048}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Chronicles of Conan 21}, year = {2011} } @book{chronicles-of-conan-20, author = {Michael Fleisher and John Buscema}, isbn = {978-1-59582-584-1}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Chronicles of Conan 20}, year = {2010} } @book{chronicles-of-conan-14, author = {Roy Thomas and John Buscema}, isbn = {978-1-59307-899-7}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Marvel)}, title = {Chronicles of Conan 14}, year = {2010} } @book{chronicles-of-conan-11, author = {Roy Thomas and John Buscema}, isbn = {1-59307-636-3}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Marvel)}, title = {Chronicles of Conan 11}, year = {1975 (2006)} } @book{chronicles-of-conan-10, author = {Roy Thomas and John Buscema}, isbn = {1-59307-490-5}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Marvel)}, title = {Chronicles of Conan 10}, year = {1975 (2006)} } %%%% Elfquest @book{complete-elfquest-5, author = {Wendy Pini and Richard Pini}, isbn = {978-1-50670-606-1}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Complete Elfquest 5}, year = {2018} } @book{complete-elfquest-4, author = {Wendy Pini and Richard Pini}, isbn = {978-1-50670-158-5}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Complete Elfquest 4}, year = {2017 (1994-96)} } @book{complete-elfquest-3, author = {Wendy Pini}, isbn = {978-1-50670-080-9}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Complete Elfquest 3}, year = {2016} } @book{complete-elfquest-2, author = {Wendy Pini}, isbn = {1616554088}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Complete Elfquest 2}, year = {2015} } @book{complete-elfquest-1, author = {Wendy Pini and Richard Pini}, isbn = {978-1-61655-407-1}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Complete Elfquest 1}, year = {2014} } %%%% K2 @book{k2, author = {David Roberts and Ed Viesturs}, isbn = {0767932609}, publisher = {Broadway}, title = {K2: Life and Death on the World's Most Dangerous Mountain}, year = {2010} } @book{begravda-i-himlen, author = {Amanda Padoan and Peter Zuckerman}, isbn = {978 91 534 3903 5}, publisher = {Ica}, title = {Begravda i himlen}, year = {2013} } @book{no-way-down, author = {Graham Bowley}, isbn = {0141044063}, publisher = {Viking}, title = {No Way Down: Life and Death on K2}, year = {2011} } @book{k2-savage-mountain, author = {Charles Houston and Robert Bates}, isbn = {1585740136}, publisher = {Lyons}, title = {K2, The Savage Mountain}, year = {2000 (1954)} } @book{erovringen-av-k2, author = {Ardito Desio}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Erövringen av K2}, year = {1955} } @book{k2-pa-liv-och-dod, author = {Per Johnsson and Fredrik Sträng}, isbn = {978-91-37-13503-8}, publisher = {Forum}, title = {K2 -- På liv och död}, year = {2009} } %%%% the Internet & computer networks @book{html-och-css-boken, author = {Rolf Staflin}, isbn = {978-91-636-0939-8}, pages = {435}, publisher = {Pagina}, title = {HTML- och CSS-boken}, year = {2008} } @book{seo-made-simple, author = {Michael Fleischner}, isbn = {978-1-46090-851-8}, publisher = {MF Books}, title = {SEO Made Simple}, year = {2011} } @book{computer-networking, author = {James Kurose and Keith Ross}, isbn = {0-13-136548-7}, publisher = {Pearson}, title = {Computer Networking}, year = {2010} } @book{computer-networking-top-down-approach, author = {James Kurose and Keith Ross}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, title = {Computer Networking (A Top-Down Approach)}, year = {2003} } @book{new-internet-navigator, author = {Paul Gilster}, isbn = {0-471-12694-2}, publisher = {Wiley}, title = {New Internet Navigator}, year = {1995} } @book{data-and-computer-communications, author = {William Stallings}, edition = {8th edition}, isbn = {0-13-243310-9}, publisher = {Pearson Prentice Hall}, title = {Data and Computer Communications}, year = {2007} } @book{internet-message, author = {Marshall Rose}, isbn = {0-13-092941-7}, publisher = {Prentice-Hall}, title = {The Internet Message: Closing the Book with Electronic Mail}, year = {1993} } @book{students-guide-to-the-internet, author = {Carol Lea Clark}, isbn = {0134423100}, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, title = {Student's Guide to the Internet}, year = {1995} } @book{internet-book, author = {Comer}, isbn = {0138920923}, publisher = {Pearson}, title = {The Internet Book}, year = {1997} } %%%% bikes %%%% magazines @periodical{bicycle-quarterly, editor = {Jan Heine and Natsuko Hirose}, issn = {1941-8809}, number = {74}, pages = {104}, price = {9.75 USD}, title = {Bicycle Quarterly}, year = {2021} } %%%% books @book{all-road-bike-revolution, author = {Jan Heine}, isbn = {978-0-9765460-5-4}, pages = {256}, publisher = {Bicycle Quarterly}, title = {The All-Road Bike Revolution: fast, comfortable, reliable}, year = {2020} } @book{no-brakes, author = {Sandra Wright Sutherland}, isbn = {0-96452-43-0-9}, publisher = {Iris}, title = {No Brakes! Bicycle Track Racing in the United States}, year = {1996 (1995)} } %% https://www.laurenceking.com @book{fixed, author = {Andrew Edwards and Max Leonard}, isbn = {978-1-85669-6}, publisher = {Laurence King}, title = {Fixed: Global Fixed-Gear Bike Culture}, year = {2008} } @book{en-cyklo-pedi, author = {Johan Tell}, isbn = {978-91-1-307337-8}, publisher = {Nordstedt}, title = {En cyklo pedi}, year = {2016} } @book{bike, author = {Daniel Benson and Richard Moore}, isbn = {9781781312346}, publisher = {Aurum}, title = {Bike! A Tribute to the World's Greatest Cycling Designers}, year = {2014} } @book{complete-road-bike-maintenance, author = {Guy Andrews}, isbn = {978 1 4081 7093 9}, publisher = {Bloomsbury}, title = {Complete Road Bike Maintenance}, year = {2013} } @book{effective-cycling, author = {John Forester}, isbn = {978-0-262-51694-5}, publisher = {Cambridge}, title = {Effective Cycling}, year = {2012} } @book{long-distance-cyclists-handbook, author = {Simon Doughty}, isbn = {0 7136 5819 3}, publisher = {A \& C Black}, title = {The Long Distance Cyclists' handbook}, year = {2001} } @book{cykelbok, author = {Staffan Skott}, isbn = {91-550-3942-1}, publisher = {Tiden}, title = {Cykelbok}, year = {1994} } @book{praktisch-fietsboek, author = {Rob van der Plas}, isbn = {90 274 9848 2}, publisher = {Spectrum}, title = {Praktisch Fietsboek}, year = {1984} } %%%% climbing @book{annapurna-8-000-meter, author = {Maurice Herzog}, publisher = {Vingförlaget}, title = {Annapurna 8 000 meter}, year = {1953} } @book{ad-hoc-rocks, author = {Martin Letzter and Olof Sundström}, isbn = {978-91-518-4910-2}, publisher = {Prisma}, title = {Ad Hoc Rocks: Seven Summits på skidor}, year = {2008} } @book{himmel-over-everest, author = {David Lagercrantz}, isbn = {91-642-0167-8}, publisher = {Pirat}, title = {Himmel över Everest}, year = {2005} } @book{goran-kropp-8000, author = {David Lagercrantz}, isbn = {91-7588-177-2}, publisher = {DN}, title = {Göran Kropp 8000+}, year = {1997} } @book{vi-nadde-nun-kun, author = {Stellan Ungerholm}, isbn = {91-46-13107-8}, publisher = {W\&W}, title = {Vi nådde Nun Kun: en svensk Himilajaexpedition}, year = {1978} } %%%% GoT %%%% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_R._R._Martin @book{got-4, author = {George R R Martin and Daniel Abraham and Tommy Patterson}, isbn = {978-91-87877-06-3}, publisher = {Apart}, title = {Kampen om Järntronen 4 (A Game of Thrones)}, year = {2015 (2015)} } @book{got-3, author = {George R R Martin and Daniel Abraham and Tommy Patterson}, isbn = {978-91-980734-7-8}, publisher = {Apart}, title = {Kampen om Järntronen 3 (A Game of Thrones)}, year = {2014 (2014)} } @book{got-2, author = {George R R Martin and Daniel Abraham and Tommy Patterson}, isbn = {978-91-979592-9-2}, publisher = {Apart}, title = {Kampen om Järntronen 2 (A Game of Thrones)}, year = {2013} } @book{got-1, author = {George R R Martin and Daniel Abraham and Tommy Patterson}, isbn = {978-91-979592-5-4}, preface = {GRRM}, publisher = {Apart}, title = {Kampen om Järntronen 1 (A Game Of Thrones \#1-6)}, year = {2012 (2012; roman 1996)} } %%%% Marjane Satrapi @book{persepolis, author = {Marjane Satrapi}, isbn = {0-375-71457-X}, publisher = {Pantheon}, title = {Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood}, year = {2003} } @book{kyckling-med-plommon, author = {Marjane Satrapi}, isbn = {978-91-7037-370-1}, publisher = {Galago}, title = {Kyckling med plommon}, year = {2008 (2004)} } %%%% Star Wars @book{star-wars-rise-of-sith, author = {Mike Kennedy}, isbn = {978-1-59582-228-4}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Star Wars Omnibus: Rise of the Sith}, year = {2008} } %%%% Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (SW KotOR) @book{star-wars-kotor-6, author = {John Jackson Miller}, isbn = {9781595822741}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 6}, year = {2009} } @book{star-wars-kotor-5, author = {John Jackson Miller and Mick Harrison}, isbn = {978-1-59582-226-0}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Star Wars: Vector 1/Knights of the Old Republic 5/Dark Times 3}, year = {2009} } @book{star-wars-kotor-4, author = {John Jackson Miller and Dustin Weaver}, isbn = {978-1-59582-208-6}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 4}, year = {2008} } @book{star-wars-kotor-3, author = {John Jackson Miller and Dustin Weaver}, isbn = {978-1-59307-867-6}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3}, year = {2008} } @book{star-wars-kotor-2, author = {John Jackson Miller and Dustin Weaver}, isbn = {1-59307-761-0}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2}, year = {2007} } @book{star-wars-kotor-1, author = {John Jackson Miller and Brian Ching}, isbn = {1-59307-640-1}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1}, year = {2006} } %%%% Herman Hedning @book{herman-hedning-7, author = {Jonas Darnell}, isbn = {91-552-3056-3}, publisher = {Semic}, title = {Herman Hedning 7}, year = {1998 (1994-1995)} } @book{herman-hedning-6, author = {Jonas Darnell}, isbn = {91-530-1317-4}, publisher = {Semic}, title = {Herman Hedning 6}, year = {1997 (1993-1994)} } @book{herman-hedning-5, author = {Jonas Darnell}, isbn = {91530 1294-1}, publisher = {Semic}, title = {Herman Hedning 5}, year = {1996 (1992-1993)} } @book{herman-hedning-4, author = {Jonas Darnell}, publisher = {Semic}, title = {Herman Hedning 4}, year = {1995 (1991-1992)} } @book{herman-hedning-3, author = {Jonas Darnell}, publisher = {Semic}, title = {Herman Hedning 3}, year = {1994 (1990-1991)} } @book{herman-hedning-2, author = {Jonas Darnell}, isbn = {91-530-2062-6}, publisher = {Semic}, title = {Herman Hedning 2}, year = {1992 (1989-90)} } @book{herman-hedning-1, author = {Jonas Darnell}, isbn = {91-580-4047-3}, publisher = {Semic}, title = {Herman Hedning 1}, year = {1990 (1989-1990)} } %%%% H P Lovecraft (HPL) @book{at-the-mountain-of-madness, author = {H P Lovecraft and I N J Culbard}, isbn = {978-1-906838-12-6}, publisher = {Self Made Hero}, title = {At the Mountain of Madness}, year = {2016 (2010) [1936]} } @book{hound-and-other-stories, author = {H P Lovecraft and Gou Tanabe}, isbn = {978-1-50670-312-1}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Kadokawa)}, title = {The Hound and Other Stories}, year = {2017 (2014; The Temple, 1925; The Hound, 1924; The Nameless City, 1921} } @book{at-the-mountain-of-madness-2, author = {H P Lovecraft and Gou Tanabe}, isbn = {978-1-50671-023-5}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Kadokawa)}, title = {At the Mountain of Madness 2}, year = {2019 (2017) [1936]} } @book{at-the-mountain-of-madness-1, author = {H P Lovecraft and Gou Tanabe}, isbn = {978-1-50671-022-8}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Kadokawa)}, title = {At the Mountain of Madness 1}, year = {2019 (2016-2017) [1936]} } %%%% Planetes @book{planetes-1, author = {Makoto Yukimura}, isbn = {978-1-61655-921-2}, publisher = {Dark Horse [Kodansha]}, title = {Planetes 1}, year = {2015 [1999]} } %% page 340 @book{planetes-2, author = {Makoto Yukimura}, isbn = {978-1-61655-922-9}, publisher = {Dark Horse [Kodansha]}, title = {Planetes 2}, year = {2016 [2003]} } %%%% Vidland Saga @book{vinland-saga-4, author = {Makoto Yukimura}, isbn = {978-1-61262-423-5}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Vinland Saga 4 (7-8)}, year = {2014 (2009)} } @book{vinland-saga-1, author = {Makoto Yukimura}, isbn = {978-1-61262-420-4}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Vinland Saga 1 (1-2)}, year = {2013 (2006)} } %%%% Turtles @book{best-of-tmnt-collection-1, author = {Kevin Eastman et al}, isbn = {978-1-68405-924-9}, publisher = {IDW (also Mirage)}, title = {Best of TMNT Collection 1}, year = {2022 (1985-2018)} } @book{turtles, author = {Fredrik Claesson}, isbn = {91-75242001}, publisher = {Atlantic}, title = {Turtles Special}, year = {1992} } %%%% manga @book{ghost-in-the-shell, author = {Shirow Masamune}, isbn = {978-1-63236-422-7}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Ghost in the Shell}, year = {2017 (1991-1996)} } @book{nausicaa-of-the-valley-of-the-wind, author = {Hayao Miyazaki}, isbn = {978-1-59116-350-3}, publisher = {Viz}, title = {Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind}, year = {2004 (1988)} } @book{abandon-the-old-in-tokyo, author = {Yoshihiro Tatsumi}, isbn = {978-1-77046-077-5}, publisher = {Drawn \& Quarterly}, title = {Abandon the Old in Tokyo}, year = {2012 (1970)} } @book{20th-century-boys-1, author = {Naoki Urasawa}, isbn = {978-1-4215-9961-8}, publisher = {Viz (Shogakukan)}, title = {20th Century Boys 1}, year = {2018 (2016)} } @book{blade-of-the-immortal, author = {Hiroaki Samura}, isbn = {978-1-50670-569-9}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Blade of the Immortal}, year = {2017 (2002-2003; in Japan 1994)} } @book{fushigi-yugi, author = {Yuu Watase}, isbn = {978-1-4215-2290-6}, publisher = {Shojo Beat Manga}, title = {Fushigi Yugi}, year = {2015 (2019)} } %%%% Akira %%%% by Katsuhiro Otomo (1954-04-14) @book{akira-6, author = {Katsuhiro Otomo}, isbn = {1-56971-528-9}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Kodansha)}, title = {Akira 6}, year = {2002 (1991, 1989)} } @book{akira-5, author = {Katsuhiro Otomo}, isbn = {1-56971-527-0}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Kodansha)}, title = {Akira 5}, year = {2001 (1992, 1986)} } @book{akira-4, author = {Katsuhiro Otomo}, isbn = {1-56971-526-2}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Kodansha)}, title = {Akira 4}, year = {2001 (1989)} } @book{akira-3, author = {Katsuhiro Otomo}, isbn = {1-56971-525-4}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Kodansha)}, title = {Akira 3}, year = {2001, 1991 (1986)} } @book{akira-1, author = {Katsuhiro Otomo}, isbn = {1-56971-498-3}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Kodansha)}, title = {Akira 1}, year = {2000, 1999 (1982-1983)} } %%%% Drifting Classroom @book{drifting-classroom-1, author = {Kazuo Umezz}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0937-3}, pages = {744}, publisher = {Viz}, title = {The Drifting Classroom 1}, year = {2019 (2006)} } @book{drifting-classroom-2, author = {Kazuo Umezz}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0938-0}, pages = {760}, publisher = {Viz}, title = {The Drifting Classroom 2}, year = {2020 (2007)} } @book{drifting-classroom-3, author = {Kazuo Umezz}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0939-7}, pages = {768}, publisher = {Viz}, title = {The Drifting Classroom 3}, year = {2020 (2007)} } %%%% Berserk @book{berserk-29, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59582-210-9}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 29}, year = {2009} } @book{berserk-28, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59582-209-3}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 28}, year = {2009} } @book{berserk-27, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-923-9}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 27}, year = {2009} } @book{berserk-26, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-922-2}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 26}, year = {2008} } @book{berserk-25, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-921-5}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 25}, year = {2008} } @book{berserk-24, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-865-2}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 24}, year = {2008} } @book{berserk-23, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-864-5}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 23}, year = {2008} } @book{berserk-22, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-863-8}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 22}, year = {2008} } @book{berserk-21, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-746-4}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 21}, year = {2008} } @book{berserk-20, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-745-7}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 20}, year = {2007} } @book{berserk-19, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-744-0}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 19}, year = {2007} } @book{berserk-18, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-743-3}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 18}, year = {2007} } @book{berserk-17, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-742-6}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 17}, year = {2007} } @book{berserk-16, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-706-8}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 16}, year = {2007} } @book{berserk-15, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-577-4}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 15}, year = {2007} } @book{berserk-14, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-501-9}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 14}, year = {2006} } @book{berserk-13, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-500-2}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 13}, year = {2006} } @book{berserk-12, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-484-5}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 12}, year = {2006} } @book{berserk-11, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-470-8}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 11}, year = {2006} } @book{berserk-10, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-331-2}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 10}, year = {2006} } @book{berserk-9, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-330-5}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 9}, year = {2005} } @book{berserk-8, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-329-9}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 8}, year = {2005} } @book{berserk-7, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-328-2}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 7}, year = {2005} } @book{berserk-6, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-252-0}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 6}, year = {2004} } @book{berserk-5, author = {Kentaro Miura}, isbn = {978-1-59307-251-3}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {Berserk 5}, year = {2004} } %%%% Maximum Ride @book{maximum-ride-9, author = {James Patterson and NaRae Lee}, isbn = {9780099538370}, publisher = {Yen/Hachette/Arrow/Penguin}, title = {Maximum Ride 9}, year = {2015} } @book{maximum-ride-8, author = {James Patterson and NaRae Lee}, isbn = {9780099538479}, publisher = {Yen/Hachette/Arrow/Penguin}, title = {Maximum Ride 8}, year = {2014} } @book{maximum-ride-7, author = {James Patterson and NaRae Lee}, isbn = {9780099538462}, publisher = {Yen/Hachette/Arrow/Penguin}, title = {Maximum Ride 7}, year = {2013} } @book{maximum-ride-6, author = {James Patterson and NaRae Lee}, isbn = {9780099538455}, publisher = {Yen/Hachette/Arrow/Penguin}, title = {Maximum Ride 6}, year = {2013 (2012)} } @book{maximum-ride-5, author = {James Patterson and NaRae Lee}, isbn = {9780099538448}, publisher = {Yen/Hachette/Arrow/Penguin}, title = {Maximum Ride 5}, year = {2011} } @book{maximum-ride-4, author = {James Patterson and NaRae Lee}, isbn = {9780099538431}, publisher = {Yen/Hachette/Arrow/Penguin}, title = {Maximum Ride 4}, year = {2011} } @book{maximum-ride-3, author = {James Patterson and NaRae Lee}, isbn = {9780099538424}, publisher = {Yen/Hachette/Arrow/Penguin}, title = {Maximum Ride 3}, year = {2010} } @book{maximum-ride-2, author = {James Patterson and NaRae Lee}, isbn = {978-0-7595-2968-7}, publisher = {Yen/Hachette/Arrow/Penguin}, title = {Maximum Ride 2}, year = {2019} } %%%% Bungo Stray Dogs @book{bungo-stray-dogs-7, author = {Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa}, isbn = {978-0-316-46819-0}, publisher = {Yen}, title = {Bungo Stray Dogs 7}, year = {2018 (2015)} } @book{bungo-stray-dogs-4, author = {Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa}, isbn = {978-0-316-46816-9}, publisher = {Yen}, title = {Bungo Stray Dogs 4}, year = {2017 (2014)} } @book{bungo-stray-dogs-3, author = {Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa}, isbn = {978-0-316-46815-2}, publisher = {Yen}, title = {Bungo Stray Dogs 3}, year = {2017 (2013)} } @book{bungo-stray-dogs-2, author = {Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa}, isbn = {978-0-316-46185-6}, publisher = {Yen}, title = {Bungo Stray Dogs 2}, year = {2017 (2013)} } %%%% Bakuman @book{bakuman-15, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-4291-1}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 15}, year = {2015 (2012; in Japan 2008)} } @book{bakuman-14, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-4290-4}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 14}, year = {2016 (2012; in Japan 2008)} } @book{bakuman-13, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-4208-9}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 13}, year = {2012 (in Japan 2008)} } @book{bakuman-12, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-4136-5}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 12}, year = {2017 (2012; in Japan 2008)} } @book{bakuman-11, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-4103-7}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 11}, year = {2012 (2008)} } @book{bakuman-10, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-3995-9}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 10}, year = {2012 (2008)} } @book{bakuman-9, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-3958-4}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 9}, year = {2011 (2008)} } @book{bakuman-8, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-3889-1}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 8}, year = {2008 (2008)} } @book{bakuman-5, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-3794-8}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 5}, year = {2011 (2008)} } @book{bakuman-4, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-3793-1}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 4}, year = {2011 (2008)} } @book{bakuman-3, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-3515-9}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 3}, year = {2011 (2008)} } @book{bakuman-2, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-3514-2}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 2}, year = {2010 (2008)} } @book{bakuman-1, author = {Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata}, isbn = {978-1-4215-3513-5}, publisher = {Shonen Jump (Shueisha)}, title = {Bakuman 1}, year = {2010 (2008)} } %%%% Aposimz @book{aposimz-5, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-949980-36-3}, publisher = {Vertical (Kodansha)}, title = {Aposimz 5}, year = {2020 (2019)} } @book{aposimz-4, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-947194-96-0}, publisher = {Vertical (Kodansha)}, title = {Aposimz 4}, year = {2020 (2019)} } @book{aposimz-3, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-947194-81-6}, publisher = {Vertical (Kodansha)}, title = {Aposimz 3}, year = {2019 (2018)} } @book{aposimz-2, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-947194-44-1}, publisher = {Vertical (Kodansha)}, title = {Aposimz 2}, year = {2019 (2018)} } @book{aposimz-1, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-947194-30-4}, publisher = {Vertical (Kodansha)}, title = {Aposimz 1}, year = {2018 (2017)} } %%%% Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service @book{kurosagi-corpse-delivery-service-2, author = {Eiji Otsuka and Housui Yamazaki}, isbn-10 = {1-59307-593-6}, isbn-13 = {978-1-59307-593-4}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Kadokawa Shoten)}, title = {The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service 2}, year = {2006 (2002)} } @book{kurosagi-corpse-delivery-service, author = {Eiji Otsuka and Housui Yamazaki}, isbn-10 = {1=59307-555-3}, isbn-13 = {978-1-59307-555-2}, publisher = {Dark Horse (Kadokawa Shoten)}, title = {The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service 1}, year = {2006 (2002)} } %%%% Knights of Sidonia %%%% printed in Canada @book{knights-of-sidonia-15, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-942993-13-1}, publisher = {Vertical (Kodansha)}, title = {Knights of Sidonia 15}, translator= {Kumar Sivasubramanian}, year = {2016 (2009-2015)} } @book{kos-13, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-941220-32-0}, pages = {172}, publisher = {Vertical (Kodansha)}, title = {Knights of Sidonia 13}, translator= {Kumar Sivasubramanian}, year = {2014} } @book{kos-11, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-939130-99-0}, pages = {172}, publisher = {Vertical (Kodansha)}, title = {Knights of Sidonia 11}, translator= {Kumar Sivasubramanian}, year = {2014} } @book{kos-9, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-939130-22-8}, publisher = {Vertical}, title = {Knights of Sidonia 9}, year = {2014 (2012; 2009-2015)} } @book{kos-8, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-939130-21-1}, publisher = {Vertical}, title = {Knights of Sidonia 8}, year = {2014 (2012)} } @book{kos-7, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-939130-02-0}, publisher = {Vertical}, title = {Knights of Sidonia 7}, year = {2014 (2012)} } @book{kos-5, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-935654-99-5}, publisher = {Vertical}, title = {Knights of Sidonia 5}, year = {2013 (2011)} } @book{kos-4, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-935654-89-6}, publisher = {Vertical}, title = {Knights of Sidonia 4}, year = {2013 (2010)} } @book{kos-3, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-935654-82-7}, publisher = {Vertical}, title = {Knights of Sidonia 3}, year = {2013 (2009)} } @book{kos-2, author = {Tsutomu Nihei}, isbn = {978-1-935654-81-0}, publisher = {Vertical}, title = {Knights of Sidonia 2}, year = {2013 (2009)} } %%%% Shaman King @book{shaman-king-21, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-1-4215-2005-6}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Shaman King 21}, year = {2009 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-20, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-1-4215-2004-9}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Shaman King 20}, year = {2009 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-19, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-1-4215-1940-1}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Shaman King 19}, year = {2008 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-18, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-1-4215-1881-7}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Shaman King 18}, year = {2008 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-17, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-1-4215-1659-2}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Shaman King 17}, year = {2008 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-16, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-1-4215-1658-5}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Shaman King 16}, year = {2008 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-15, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-1-4215-1657-8}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Shaman King 15}, year = {2010 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-14, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-1-4215-1475-8}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Shaman King 14}, year = {2011 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-13, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5763-8-}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 13}, year = {2009 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-12, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5762-1}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 12}, year = {2009 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-11, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5761-4}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 11}, year = {2009 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-10, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5759-1}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 10}, year = {2008 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-9, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5758-4}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 9}, year = {2008 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-8, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5756-0}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 8}, year = {2008 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-7, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5755-3}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 7}, year = {2008 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-6, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5703-4}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 6}, year = {2008 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-5, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5702-7}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 5}, year = {2008 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-4, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5701-0}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 4}, year = {2007 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-3, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5700-3}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 3}, year = {2007 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-2, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5356-2}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 2}, year = {2007 (1998)} } @book{shaman-king-1, author = {Hiroyuki Takei}, isbn = {978-91-638-5355-5}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Shaman King 1}, year = {2007 (1998)} } %%%% Dr Stone @book{dr-stone-13, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-1728-6}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 13}, year = {2020 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-12, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-1529-9}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 12}, year = {2020 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-11, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-1479-7}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 11}, year = {2020 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-10, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-1121-5}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 10}, year = {2020 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-9, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-1074-4}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 9}, year = {2020 (2017)} } %% book number 400 :) @book{dr-stone-8, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0952-6}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 8}, year = {2019 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-7, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0778-2}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 7}, year = {2019 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-6, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0506-1}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 6}, year = {2019 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-5, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0501-6}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 5}, year = {2019 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-4, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0446-0}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 4}, year = {2019 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-3, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0263-3}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 3}, year = {2019 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-2, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0262-6}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 2}, year = {2018-2019 (2017)} } @book{dr-stone-1, author = {Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi}, isbn = {978-1-9747-0261-9}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Dr Stone 1}, year = {2020 (2017)} } %%%% Fullmetal Alchemist %%%% printed in Avesta @book{fullmetal-alchemist-18, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-6298-4}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 18}, year = {2009 (2008)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-17, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-6299-1}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 17}, year = {2009 (2007)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-16, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5800-0}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 16}, year = {2009 (2007)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-15, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5799-7}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 15}, year = {2009 (2006)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-14, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5798-0}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 14}, year = {2008 (2006)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-13, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5797-3}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 13}, year = {2008 (2006)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-12, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5796-6}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 12}, year = {2008 (2005)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-11, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5795-9}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 11}, year = {2008 (2005)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-10, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5551-1}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 10}, year = {2008-2009 (2005)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-9, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5549-8}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 9}, year = {2009 (2004)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-8, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5548-1}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 8}, year = {2008 (2004)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-7, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5555-9}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 7}, year = {2007 (2004)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-6, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5554-2}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 6}, year = {2007 (2003)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-5, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5553-5}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 5}, year = {2007 (2003)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-4, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5552-8}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 4}, year = {2007 (2003)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-3, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5257-2}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 3}, year = {2007-2008 (2002)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-2, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5255-8}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 2}, year = {2007 (2002)} } @book{fullmetal-alchemist-1, author = {Hiromu Arakawa}, isbn = {978-91-638-5254-1}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen (Square Enix)}, title = {Fullmetal Alchemist 1}, year = {2007 (2002)} } %%%% Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) %%%% %%%% Shinji, Ayanami, Katsuragi, Ikari %%%% %%%% manga [15 million sold in Japan] 1994-2014 14 volumes %%%% %%%% spin-off manga %%%% Angelic Days 2003-2005 6 vols %%%% Shinji Ikari Raising Project 2005-2016 18 vols %%%% Campus Apocalypse 2007-2009 4 vols %%%% Petit Eva: Evangelion@School 2007-2009 2 vols %%%% %%%% anime TV show 1995-1996 26 episodes [1] %%%% %%%% Revival anime movies 1998 re-release %%%% Death 1997 recap eps 1-24 %%%% Rebirth 1997 EoE beta preview %%%% End of Evangelion 1997 new eps 25-26 %%%% %%%% Rebuild movies %%%% 1.0 You are (not) Alone 2007 %%%% 2.0 You can (not) Advance 2009 %%%% 3.0 You can (not) Redo 2012 %%%% 3.0 + 1.01 Thrice Upon a Time 2021 [2] %%%% %%%% [1] https://nyaa.si/view/1239919 %%%% [2] https://yts.mx/movies/evangelion-3-01-01-thrice-upon-a-time-2021 @book{nge-en-1, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {978-1-59116-400-5}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 1}, year = {2009 (1995)} } @book{nge-sv-2, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {91-638-4454-0}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 2: Pojken och kniven}, year = {2004 (1996)} } @book{nge-sv-3, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {91-638-4455-9}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 3: Ett vitt ärr}, year = {2005 (1996)} } @book{nge-sv-4, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {91-638-4456-7}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 4: Asuka anländer}, year = {2005 (1997)} } @book{nge-sv-5, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {91-638-4457-5}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 5: Gravkors}, year = {2005 (1999)} } @book{nge-sv-6, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {91-638-4458-3}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 6: Fjärde barnet}, year = {2005 (2000)} } @book{nge-sv-7, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {91-638-5197-0}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 7: En mans strid}, year = {2006 (2001)} } @book{nge-sv-8, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {978-91-638-5198-8}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 8: Moder}, year = {2006 (2002)} } @book{nge-sv-9, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {978-91-638-5199-5}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 9: Femte barnet}, year = {2006 (2004)} } @book{nge-sv-10, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {978-91-638-5556-6}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 10: Tårar}, year = {2007} } @book{nge-en-11, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {978-1-4215-2029-2}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 11}, year = {2008 (2007)} } @book{nge-en-13, author = {Yoshiyuki Sadamoto}, isbn = {978-1-4215-5291-0}, publisher = {viz}, title = {Neon Genesis Evangelion 13}, year = {2012 (2012)} } %%%% Judge Dredd @book{judge-dredd, author = {John Wagner}, isbn = {0-907610-38-2}, publisher = {Titan}, title = {Judge Dredd: Apocalypse War 1}, year = {1984 (1982)} } @book{judge-dredd-case-1, author = {John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra}, isbn = {978-1-904265-79-5}, publisher = {Rebellion (2000 AD)}, title = {Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 1}, year = {2012 (1977-1978))} } %%%% Linda och Valentin @book{linda-och-valentin-6, author = {Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières}, isbn = {978-91-87861-35-2}, publisher = {`Cobolt}, title = {Linda och Valentin: Samlade äventyr 6}, year = {2016 (1996-2001)} } @book{linda-och-valentin-sa-5, author = {Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières}, isbn = {978-91-87861-24-6}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Linda och Valentin: Samlade äventyr 5}, year = {2016 (1988-1994)} } @book{linda-och-valentin-sa-3, author = {Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières}, isbn = {978-91-87861-06-2}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Linda och Valentin: Samlade äventyr 3}, year = {2014 (1975-1978)} } %% page 112 @book{linda-och-valentin-sa-1, author = {Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières}, isbn = {978-91-87861-00-0}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Linda och Valentin: Samlade äventyr 1}, year = {2014 (1967-1971)} } @book{linda-och-valentin-valerian, author = {Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières}, isbn = {978-91-87861-53-6}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Linda och Valentin: Ambassadören som försvann (Valerian)}, year = {2017 (1975)} } @book{minnen-fran-framtiden, author = {Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières}, isbn = {978-91-87861-66-6}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Linda och Valentin: Minnen från framtiden}, year = {2017} } @book{linda-och-valentin, author = {Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières}, isbn = {978-91-87861-94-9}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Linda och Valentin: Åter till framtiden}, year = {2019} } %%%% Artemis Fowl @book{artemis-fowl-se, author = {Eoin Colfer och Andrew Donkin}, isbn = {978-91-321-5439-3}, publisher = {Wahlströms}, title = {Artemis Fowl}, year = {2008} } @book{artemis-fowl, author = {Eoin Colfer and Andrew Donkin}, isbn = {978-0-141-32296-4}, publisher = {Penguin}, title = {Artemis Fowl 1}, year = {2007} } %%%% comics @book{watchmen, author = {Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons and John Higgins}, isbn = {978-91-7269-755-3}, publisher = {DC}, title = {Watchmen}, year = {2006 (1986-1987)} } @book{sea-of-dream, author = {Cixin Liu and Rodolfo Santullo and Jok}, isbn = {978-1-945863-67-7}, publisher = {Talos}, title = {Sea of Dream}, year = {2021 (2020)} } @book{zafir-1, author = {Manuera}, isbn = {978-91-88897-78-7}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Zafir 1: Z som in Zandra (Zorglub 1: La fille du Z)}, year = {2021 (2017)} } @book{supergirl, author = {Steve Orlando and Brian Ching}, isbn = {978-1-4012-7433-7}, publisher = {DC}, title = {Supergirl: Escape From the Phantom Zone}, year = {2017} } @book{franka-3, author = {Henk Kuijpers}, isbn = {978-91-888897-01-5}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Franka Samlade äventyr 3: Blå Venus, Trettonde bokstaven}, year = {2019 (2011)} } @book{riddar-eldhjarta-6, author = {François Craenhals}, isbn = {91-510-0965-X}, publisher = {Carlsen}, title = {Riddar Eldhjärtas äventyr 6}, year = {1974} } @book{det-susar-i-saven-2, author = {Kenneth Grahame}, isbn = {91-973203-4-X}, publisher = {Bokfabriken}, title = {Det susar i säven 2}, year = {1998} } @book{ben-hur, author = {Unknown}, publisher = {Semic}, title = {Ben-Hur}, year = {1979 (1969)} } @book{calvin-and-hobbes-4, author = {Bill Watterson}, isbn = {0-7474-0696-0}, publisher = {Sphere}, title = {Calvin and Hobbes 4}, year = {1990} } @book{jughead-1, author = {Chip Zdarsky and Erica Henderson}, isbn = {978-1-62738-893-1}, publisher = {Pelham}, title = {Jughead 1}, year = {2016} } @book{kobrans-tid-2, author = {Enrique Fernández}, isbn = {978-91-85269-38-9}, publisher = {Exactaprinting}, title = {Sagor från Kobrans tid 2: Revolution}, year = {2015} } @book{portent, author = {Peter Bergting}, isbn = {978-91-88858-40-5}, publisher = {Image}, title = {The Portent}, year = {2006} } @book{batman, author = {Neal Adams}, isbn = {91-7269-730-X}, publisher = {Egmont (DC)}, title = {Batman: Klassiska serier}, year = {2006 (1971-1996)} } @book{nemo, author = {Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill}, isbn = {978-0-86166-183-1}, publisher = {Top Shelf and Knockabout}, title = {Nemo: Heart of Ice}, year = {2013} } @book{percy-jackson-and-the-lightning-thief, author = {Rick Riordan and Robert Venditti and Attila Futaki}, isbn = {978-0-141-33539-1}, publisher = {Puffin}, title = {Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief: Graphic Novel}, year = {2010} } @book{transformers, author = {Simon Furman and Geoff Senior}, isbn = {1-84023-510-1}, publisher = {Titan (Marvel UK)}, title = {Transformers: Target 2006}, year = {2002 (1986)} } @book{angel-wings-1, author = {Hugault and Yann}, isbn = {2017}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Angel Wings 1: Burma Banshees}, year = {978-91-87861-41-3} } @book{luther-arkwright, author = {Bryan Talbot}, isbn = {978-1-59307-725-9}, publisher = {Dark Horse}, title = {The Adventures of Luther Arkwright}, year = {1990 (1978-89)} } @book{house-of-mystery-3, author = {Michael Fleisher}, isbn = {1401221831}, publisher = {DC}, title = {House of Mystery 3}, year = {2009} } @book{starcraft, author = {Simon Furman et al}, isbn = {1427808317}, publisher = {TokyoPop}, title = {StarCraft: Frontline 2}, year = {2008} } @book{ville, author = {Jan Lööf}, isbn = {91-510-0971-4}, publisher = {Carlsen Comics}, title = {Ville}, year = {1977} } %%%% Walking Dead %% printed in the US @book{walking-dead-compendium-4, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Stefano Gaudiano and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-1-5343-1340-8}, publisher = {Image}, title = {Walking Dead Compendium 4 (\#145-193)}, year = {2019} } @book{walking-dead-compendium-3, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Stefano Gaudiano and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-1-60706-596-8}, publisher = {Image}, title = {Walking Dead Compendium 3 (\#97-144)}, year = {2016} } @book{walking-dead-compendium-1, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Tony Moore and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-1-60706-076-5}, publisher = {Image}, title = {Walking Dead Compendium 1 (\#1-48)}, year = {2009 (2005)} } @book{walking-dead-16, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-91-87877-19-3}, publisher = {Apart (Image)}, title = {Walking Dead 16 (\#109-114)}, year = {2017 (2013)} } @book{walking-dead-sv-16, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-91-87877-16-2}, publisher = {Apart (Image)}, title = {Walking Dead 16 (\#91-96)}, year = {2015} } @book{walking-dead-sv-15, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-91-87877-15-5}, publisher = {Apart (Image)}, title = {Walking Dead 15 (\#85-90)}, year = {2015} } @book{walking-dead-sv-13, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-91-87877-13-1}, publisher = {Apart (Image)}, title = {Walking Dead 13 (\#73-78)}, year = {2015} } @book{walking-dead-sv-12, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-91-87877-12-4}, publisher = {Apart (Image)}, title = {Walking Dead 12 (\#67-72)}, year = {2014} } @book{walking-dead-sv-11, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-91-87877-11-7}, publisher = {Apart (Image)}, title = {Walking Dead 11 (\#61-66)}, year = {2014} } @book{walking-dead-sv-10, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-91-980734-6-1}, publisher = {Apart (Image)}, title = {Walking Dead 10 (\#55-60)}, year = {2014 (2009)} } @book{walking-dead-sv-3, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-91-979592-2-3}, publisher = {Apart (Image)}, title = {Walking Dead 3 (\#13-18)}, year = {2012} } @book{walking-dead-sv-2, author = {Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn}, isbn = {978-91-980734-9-2}, publisher = {Apart (Image)}, title = {Walking Dead 2 (\#7-12)}, year = {2014 (2004)} } @book{walking-dead-sv-1, author = {Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore}, isbn = {978-91-980734-8-5}, publisher = {apart (Image)}, title = {Walking Dead 1 (\#1-6)}, year = {2015 (2004)} } %%%% Blueberry @book{blueberry-8, author = {Jean-Michael Charlier and Jean Giraud}, isbn = {978-91-87861-99-4}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Blueberry 8}, year = {2019 (1990-1999)} } @book{blueberry-6, author = {Jean-Michael Charlier and Jean Giraud}, isbn = {978-91-87861-84-0}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Blueberry 6}, year = {2018 (1974-1980)} } @book{blueberry-5, author = {Jean-Michael Charlier and Jean Giraud}, isbn = {978-91-87861-67-3}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Blueberry 5}, year = {2017} } @book{blueberry-4, author = {Jean-Michael Charlier and Jean Giraud}, isbn = {978-91-87861-54-3}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Blueberry 4}, year = {2017 (1968-1970)} } %%%% Vei @book{vei-2, author = {Sara Bergmark Elfgren and Karl Johnsson}, isbn = {978-91-7515-317-9}, publisher = {Kartago}, title = {Vei 2}, year = {2019} } @book{vei-1, author = {Sara Bergmark Elfgren and Karl Johnsson}, isbn = {978-91-7515-205-9}, publisher = {Kartago}, title = {Vei 1}, year = {2017} } %%%% Alita (9 volumes, 1990-1995) %%%% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Angel_Alita %%%% Alita: Last Order (5 omnibus volumes; original run 19 volumes 2000-2014) %%%% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Angel_Alita %%%% %%%% "Just a great, kick-ass story." - James Cameron %%%% director of the 2019 BAA (or "A:BA") Hollywood movie @book{baa-lo-5, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-61262-295-8}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Last Order 5}, year = {2014} } @book{baa-lo-4, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-61262-294-1}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Last Order 4}, year = {2014 (2011)} } @book{baa-lo-3, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-61262-293-4}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Last Order 3}, year = {2011} } @book{baa-lo-2, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-61262-292-7}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Last Order 2}, year = {2013} } @book{baa-lo-1, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-61262-291-0}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Last Order 1}, year = {2013} } %%%% Alita: Mars Chronicle (7 volumes, 2014-present) %%%% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Angel_Alita:_Mars_Chronicle @book{baa-mc-6, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-63236-718-1}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle 6}, year = {2019} } @book{baa-mc-5, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-63236-658-0}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle 5}, year = {2018 (2017)} } @book{baa-mc-4, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-63236-618-4}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle 4}, year = {2018 (2016-2017)} } @book{baa-mc-3, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-63236-617-7}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle 3}, year = {2018} } @book{baa-mc-2, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-63236-616-0}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle 2}, year = {2018} } @book{baa-mc-1, author = {Yukito Kishiro}, isbn = {978-1-63236-615-3}, publisher = {Kodansha}, title = {Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle 1}, year = {2018 (2014-2015)} } %%%% Spirou @book{marsupilamis-vrede, author = {Fabien Vehlmann and Yoann}, isbn = {978-91-7621-174-8}, publisher = {Egmont}, title = {Marsupilamis vrede}, year = {2016} } @book{spirou-portratt-av-hjalten, author = {Émile Bravo and Delphine Chedru}, isbn = {978-91-87861-01-7}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Spirou - porträtt av hjälten som oskuldsfull ung man}, year = {2014 (2008)} } @book{operation-fladdermus, author = {Olivier Schwartz and Yann}, isbn = {978-91-87861-09-3}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Operation Fladdermus}, year = {2015 (2009)} } %%%% Tom Strong @book{terra-obscura-2, author = {Alan Moore and Yanick Paquette}, isbn = {1-4012-0622-0}, publisher = {America's Best Comics}, title = {Terra Obscura 2}, year = {2005} } @book{tom-strongs-terrific-tales-2, author = {Alan Moore and Steve Moore}, isbn = {978-1-4012-3265-8}, publisher = {DC}, title = {Tom Strong's Terrific Tales 2}, year = {2005} } @book{tom-strongs-terrific-tales-1, author = {Alan Moore and Steve Moore}, isbn = {1-4012-0029-X}, publisher = {America's Best Comics}, title = {Tom Strong's Terrific Tales 1}, year = {2004} } @book{tom-strong-3, author = {Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse}, isbn = {1-4012-0282-9}, publisher = {America's Best Comics}, title = {Tom Strong 3}, year = {2004} } @book{tom-strong-2, author = {Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse}, isbn = {1-56389874-8}, publisher = {America's Best Comics}, title = {Tom Strong 2}, year = {2001} } @book{tom-strong-1, author = {Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse}, isbn = {1-56389-664-8}, publisher = {America's Best Comics}, title = {Tom Strong 1}, year = {2000} } %%%% incal @book{incal, author = {Alejandro Jodorowsky and moebius}, isbn = {978-1-59465-093-2}, publisher = {Humanoids}, title = {The Incal}, year = {2018 (1981-1988)} } @book{final-incal, author = {Alejandro Jodorowsky and José Ladrönn}, isbn = {978-1-59465-093-2}, publisher = {Humanoids}, title = {Final Incal}, year = {2017 (2008-2014)} } %%%% Metabarons @book{metabarons-poet-and-killer, author = {Alejandro Jodorowsky and Juan Giménez}, isbn = {1930652232}, publisher = {Humanoids}, title = {Metabarons: Poet and Killer}, year = {2002} } @book{metabarons-path-of-the-warrior, author = {Alejandro Jodorowsky and Juan Giménez}, isbn = {193065247X}, publisher = {Humanoids}, title = {Metabarons: Path of the Warrior}, year = {2002} } %%%% Wonder Woman @book{wonder-woman-2, author = {George Pérez}, isbn = {978-1-4012-6906-7}, publisher = {DC}, title = {Wonder Woman 2}, year = {2017 (1988)} } @book{wonder-woman-earth-one, author = {Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette}, isbn = {978-1-4012-6863-3}, publisher = {DC}, title = {Wonder Woman: Earth One 1}, year = {2017 (2016)} } @book{gotham-city-garage-1, author = {Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing}, isbn = {978-1-4012-8019-2}, publisher = {DC}, title = {Gotham City Garage 1}, year = {2018} } @book{wonder-woman, author = {Meredith Finch and David Finch and Sonia Oback}, isbn = {978-7-4012-6163-4}, publisher = {DC}, title = {Wonder Woman: War-Torn 7}, year = {2016} } @book{wonder-woman-odyssey-2, author = {Michael Straczynski and Don Kramer}, isbn = {1401234313}, publisher = {DC}, title = {Wonder Woman Odyssey 2}, year = {2012} } @book{wonder-woman-odyssey-1, author = {Michael Straczynski}, isbn = {1401230776}, publisher = {DC}, title = {Wonder Woman Odyssey 1}, year = {2011} } %%%% X-Factor @book{x-factor-5, author = {Louise Simonson and Chris Claremont and Fabian Nicieza and Peter David}, isbn = {0785163530}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Essential X-Factor 5}, year = {2012} } @book{x-factor-3, author = {Louise Simonson and Chris Claremont and Walt Simonson}, isbn = {0785130780}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Essential X-Factor 3}, year = {2009} } %%%% Thanos @book{thanos-imperative, author = {Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning}, isbn = {978-0-7851-4902-6}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {The Thanos Imperative}, year = {2015 (2011)} } @book{thanos-infinity-revelation, author = {Jim Starlin}, isbn = {978-0-7851-8470-6}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Thanos: The Infinity Revelation}, year = {2014} } @book{thanos-infinity-relativity, author = {Jim Starlin}, isbn = {978-0-7851-9303-6}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Thanos: The Infinity Relativity}, year = {2015} } %%%% Wolverine @book{wolverine, author = {Mark Millar and Steve McNiven}, isbn = {978-0-7851-3172-4}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Wolverine: Old Man Logan}, year = {2017 (2010)} } @book{all-new-wolverine-3, author = {Tom Taylor and Nic virella and Scott Hanna}, isbn = {978-1-302-90290-2}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {All-New Wolverine 3}, year = {2017} } @book{all-new-wolverine-2, author = {Tom Taylor and Marcio Takara}, isbn = {978-0-7851-9653-2}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {All-New Wolverine 2}, year = {2016} } @book{all-new-wolverine-1, author = {Tom Taylor and David Lopez and David Navarrot}, isbn = {978-0-7851-9652-5}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {All-New Wolverine 1}, year = {2016} } %%%% X-Men @book{manifest-destiny, author = {Jason Aaron and Stephen Segovia}, isbn = {978-0-7851-3951-5}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Manifest Destiny}, year = {2009} } @book{x-men-eve-of-destruction, author = {Scott Lobdell and Leinil Frances Yu}, isbn = {0-7851-1552-8}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {X-Men: Eve of Destruction}, year = {2005} } %% film X-Men (2000), director Bryan Singer @book{x-men-the-movie, author = {Ralph Macchio and Anthony Williams}, isbn = {0-7851-0749-5}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {X-Men: The Movie Adaptation}, year = {2000 (1977-2000)} } @book{exogenetic, author = {Warren Ellis and Phill Jimenez}, isbn = {978-0-7851-3169-4}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Exogenetic}, year = {2011} } %%%% Guardians of the Galaxy @book{annihilators, author = {Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning and Tan Eng Huat and Timothy Green}, isbn = {978-0-7851-6040-3}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Annihilators}, year = {2011} } @book{guardians-of-the-galaxy, author = {Brian Bendis and Velerio Schiti}, isbn = {978-0-7851-9950-2}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Guardians of the Galaxy: Emperor Quill}, year = {2016} } %%% Marvel @book{moon-knight-legacy, author = {Max Bemis and Jacen Burrows and Ty Templeton and Paul Davidson}, isbn = {978-1-302-93397-5}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Moon Knight Legacy}, year = {2022 (2017)} } @book{civil-war, author = {Mark Millar and Steve McNiven}, isbn = {978-0-7851-2179-4}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Civil War (\#1-7)}, year = {2014 (2006)} } @book{nick-fury-agent-of-shield-classic-2, author = {Harras and Chichester and Bair and Pollard}, isbn = {978-0-7851-9345-6}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Nick Fury Agent of Shield Classic 2}, year = {2015 (1990-1991)} } @book{web-of-spiderman-2, author = {David Michelinie and Marc Silvestri}, isbn = {978-07851-6332-9}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Essential Web of Spiderman 2}, year = {2012 (1986-1987)} } @book{avengers-9, author = {Mark Gruenwald and Steven Grant}, isbn = {978-0-7851-8411-9}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Essential Avengers 9}, year = {2013 (1979-1980)} } @book{hulk-7, author = {Roger Stern and Sal Buscema and Joe Sinnott}, isbn = {978-0-7851-8511-6}, publisher = {Marvel}, title = {Essential Hulk 7}, year = {2013} } %%%% Thorgal @book{thorgal, author = {Jean Van Hamme and Grzegorz Rosinski}, isbn = {91-7089-710-7}, publisher = {Casablanca}, title = {Thorgal: Den onde guden}, year = {1993 (1987)} } @book{thorgals-varld-kriss-3, author = {De Vita and Sente and Dorison and Mariolle and Surzhenko}, isbn = {978-91-88897-00-8}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Thorgals värld: Kriss från Valnor 3}, year = {2019 (2014-2015)} } @book{thorgals-varld-kriss-2, author = {De Vita and Yves Sente}, isbn = {978-91-87861-74-1}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Thorgals värld: Kriss från Valnor 2: Krigardrottningen}, year = {2018} } @book{thorgal-5, author = {Jean Van Hamme and Grzegorz Rosinski}, isbn = {978-91-87861-68-0}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Thorgal 5: Genom tid och rum}, year = {2017 (1989-91)} } @book{thorgal-3, author = {Jean Van Hamme and Grzegorz Rosinski}, isbn = {978-91-87861-21-5}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Thorgal 3: Vikingar och gudar}, year = {2016 (1988)} } @book{thorgal-2, author = {Jean Van Hamme and Grzegorz Rosinski}, isbn = {978-91-87861-12-3}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Thorgal 2: I fiendens spår}, year = {2015} } %%%% Tintin @book{kapten-haddocks-ordbok, author = {Björn Wahlberg}, isbn = {978-91-88897-28-2}, publisher = {Cobolt}, title = {Kapten Haddocks ordbok}, year = {2020} } @book{tintin-i-sovjet, author = {Hergé}, isbn = {91-638-4028-6}, publisher = {Bonnier Carlsen}, title = {Tintin i Sovjet. Reporter på "Petit Vingtieme"}, year = {2004 (1930)} } @book{tintin-i-tibet, author = {Hergé}, isbn = {91-510-0064-4}, publisher = {Carlsen}, title = {Tintin i Tibet (Tintin au Tibet)}, translator= {Karin \& Allan Janzon}, year = {1992 (1958-59)} } @book{enhorningens-hemlighet-rackham-den-rodes-skatt, author = {Hergé}, isbn = {91-638-0329-1}, publisher = {Carlsen}, title = {Enhörningens hemlighet \& Rackham den Rödes skatt}, year = {1994 (1942-43)} } %%%% polaric @book{till-sydpolen, author = {Bertil Frödin}, publisher = {Gebers}, title = {Till Sydpolen}, year = {1966} } @book{shackleton, author = {Roland Huntford}, isbn = {0-340-25007-0}, publisher = {Hodder \& Stoughton}, title = {Shackleton}, year = {1985-87} } @book{scott-amundsen, author = {Roland Huntford}, isbn = {91-0-048703-1}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Scott \& Amundsen}, year = {1980 (1979)} } @book{whiteout, author = {Steve Lieber and Greg Rucka}, isbn = {0-9667127-1-4}, publisher = {Oni}, title = {Whiteout}, year = {1999} } @book{melt, author = {Steve Lieber and Greg Rucka}, isbn = {1-929998-03-1}, publisher = {Oni}, title = {Melt}, year = {2000} } @book{med-ornen-mot-polen, author = {Salomon August Andrée and Knut Frænkel and Nils Strindberg}, isbn = {91-7102-085-3}, publisher = {Niloé (Bonnier)}, title = {Med Örnen mot polen}, year = {1978 (1930)} } @book{amundsens-bilder, author = {Roald Huntford}, isbn = {91-34-50971-2}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Amundsens bilder}, year = {1988 (1987)} } @book{sydpolen, author = {Roald Amundsen}, isbn = {91-7102-091-8}, publisher = {Niloé}, title = {Sydpolen}, year = {1987} } @book{ingenjor-andrees-luftfard, author = {Per Olof Sundman}, publisher = {Nordstedt}, title = {Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd}, year = {1967} } @book{fram-over-polarhavet, author = {Fridtjof Nansen}, isbn = {91-7102-092-6}, publisher = {Natur \& Kultur}, title = {Fram över Polarhavet}, year = {1961} } @book{upptackarprofiler, author = {Kaj Hildingson}, isbn = {91-27-75341-7}, publisher = {Natur \& Kultur}, title = {Upptäckarprofiler}, year = {1992} } @book{i-isens-grepp-den-dramatiska, author = {Gay Salisbury and Laney Salisbury}, isbn = {91-1-300917-6}, publisher = {Nordstedts}, title = {I isens grepp -- den dramatiska jakten på difteriserum, Alaska 1925}, year = {2003} } @book{for-segel-till-antarktis, author = {Per Öqvist}, isbn = {91-89617-94-0}, publisher = {Ekerlids}, title = {För segel till Antarktis -- i Nordenskjölds kölvatten 100 år senare}, year = {2004} } @book{antarktis-hjarta, author = {Ernest Shakleton}, publisher = {Nordstedt}, title = {Antarktis' hjärta}, year = {1910} } @book{skinnarmo-och-nordostpassagen, author = {Ola Skinnarmo and Johan Tell}, isbn = {978-91-7126-190-8}, publisher = {Max Ström}, title = {Skinnarmo och Nordostpassagen: I Adolf Erik Nordenskiölds spår}, year = {2010} } @book{isbiten, author = {Ola Skinnarmo and Johan Tell}, isbn = {978-91-7126-318-6}, publisher = {Max Ström}, title = {Isbiten: Mina expeditioner i polarvärlden}, year = {2014} } @book{kampen-mot-nordpolen, author = {Ola Skinnarmo and Johan Tell}, isbn = {91-7588-377-5}, publisher = {DN}, title = {Kampen mot Nordpolen}, year = {2001} } @book{ensam-mot-sydpolen, author = {Ola Skinnarmo and Johan Tell}, isbn = {97-37-11542-1}, publisher = {Forum}, title = {Ensam mot sydpolen}, year = {1999} } %%%% Lisp @book{land-of-lisp, author = {Conrad Barski}, isbn = {1593272812}, publisher = {No Starch}, title = {Land of Lisp}, year = {2010} } @book{lispcraft, author = {Robert Wilensky}, isbn = {0393954420}, publisher = {Norton}, title = {LISPcraft}, year = {1984} } %%%% knots @book{guide-till-knopar, author = {Geoffrey Budworth}, isbn = {1-4054-6916-1}, publisher = {Läsförlaget}, title = {Guide till knopar}, year = {2006} } @book{ultimate-encyclopedia-of-knots-and-ropework, author = {Geoffrey Budworth}, isbn = {978-1-84476-891-2}, publisher = {Southwater}, title = {The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots and Ropework}, year = {2014} } %%%% puzzles @book{iq-pussel, author = {Philip Carter and Ken Russell}, isbn = {91-85476-26-9}, publisher = {Känguru}, title = {IQ-pussel}, year = {2006 (2003)} } %%%% computers @book{interactive-computer-graphics, author = {Edward Angel}, edition = {5th edition}, isbn = {978-0-321-5494-3-3}, publisher = {Pearson}, title = {Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach Using OpenGL}, year = {2009} } @book{ammann, author = {Paul Ammann and Jeff Offut}, edition = {6th edition}, isbn = {978-0-521-88038-1}, publisher = {Cambridge}, title = {Introduction to Software Testing}, year = {2008} } @book{cobol-from-pascal, author = {A J Tyrrell}, isbn = {978-0-333-48303-9}, publisher = {Macmillan}, title = {COBOL from Pascal}, year = {1989} } @book{databasteknik, author = {Padron-McCarthy and Risch}, isbn = {978-91-44-04449-1}, publisher = {Studentlitteratur}, title = {Databasteknik}, year = {2005} } @book{artificial-intelligence-and-the-design, author = {George Luger and William Stubblefield}, isbn = {0805301399}, publisher = {Benjamin-Cummings}, title = {Artificial Intelligence and the Design of Expert Systems}, year = {1989} } @book{sed-awk, author = {Dale Dougherty and Arnold Robbins}, edition = {2nd edition}, isbn = {1-56592-225-5}, publisher = {O'Reilly}, title = {sed \& awk}, year = {1997} } @book{introduction-to-algorithms, author = {Cormen and Leiserson and Rivest and Stein}, edition = {2nd edition}, isbn = {0-268-53196-8}, publisher = {MIT Press}, title = {Introduction to Algorithms}, year = {2001} } @book{oxford-dictionary-of-computing, author = {John Daintith and Edmund Wright}, isbn = {0199234000}, publisher = {Oxford}, title = {Oxford Dictionary of Computing}, year = {2010} } %%%% computer culture @book{just-for-fun, author = {Linus Torvalds}, isbn = {9780066620732}, publisher = {Harper}, title = {Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary}, year = {2002 (2001)} } @book{generation-500, author = {Jimmy Wilhelmsson}, isbn = {978-91-76293-70-6}, publisher = {Bokfabriken}, title = {Generation 500}, year = {2017} } @book{i-allmanhetens-tjanst-permanent-record, author = {Edward Snowden}, isbn = {978-91-7343-975-6}, publisher = {Leopard}, title = {I allmänhetens tjänst (Permanent Record)}, translator= {Stefan Lindgren}, year = {2019 (2019)} } @book{free-as-in-freedom, author = {Richard Stallman and Sam Williams}, isbn = {0983159211}, publisher = {FSF}, title = {Free as in Freedom 2.0}, year = {2010} } @book{svenska-hackare, author = {Daniel Goldberg och Linus Larsson}, isbn = {978-91-1-303964-0}, publisher = {Norstedts}, title = {Svenska hackare}, year = {2011} } @book{generation-64, author = {Jimmy Wilhelmsson}, isbn = {91-630-9465-7}, publisher = {Bokfabriken}, title = {Generation 64}, year = {2014} } @book{copyright-finns-inte, author = {Linus Walleij}, isbn = {91-630-9465-7}, publisher = {RootGear}, title = {Copyright finns inte}, year = {1999} } @book{memoarer-ar-prostitution, author = {Julian Assange}, isbn = {978-91-1-303764-6}, publisher = {Norstedt}, title = {"Memoarer är prostitution": en omtvistad självbiografi}, year = {2011} } @book{programmers-at-work, author = {Susan Lammers}, isbn = {1556152116}, publisher = {Tempus Books}, title = {Programmers at Work}, year = {1989} } %%%% Apple @book{steve-jobs-en-biografi, author = {Walter Isaacson}, isbn = {978-91-7429-285-5}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Steve Jobs - en biografi (Steve Jobs)}, year = {2012 (2011)} } @book{iwoz, author = {Steve Wozniak}, isbn = {0-393-06143-4}, publisher = {Norton \& Company}, title = {iWoz}, year = {2006} } %%%% Lua @book{programming-in-lua-2016, author = {Roberto Ierusalimschy}, isbn = {978-85-903798-6-7}, publisher = {Lua}, title = {Programming in Lua}, year = {2016} } @book{programming-in-lua, author = {Roberto Ierusalimschy}, isbn = {8590379817}, publisher = {Lua}, title = {Programming in Lua}, year = {2003} } %%%% C and C++ @book{vagen-till-c, author = {Ulf Bilting and Jan Skansholm}, isbn = {978-91-44-01468-5}, publisher = {Studentlitteratur}, title = {Vägen till C}, year = {2000} } @book{small-c-how-to-program, author = {H M Deitel and P J Deitel}, isbn = {0-13-185758-4}, publisher = {Pearson}, title = {Small C++ How to Program}, year = {2005} } @book{c-programming-language, author = {Bjarne Stroustrup}, isbn = {0-201-53992-6}, publisher = {Addison Wesley}, title = {The C++ Programming Language}, year = {1992} } @book{cpp-direkt, author = {Jan Skansholm}, isbn = {91-44-47931-X}, publisher = {Studentlitteratur}, title = {C++ direkt}, year = {1996} } %%%% Unix @book{operating-system-concepts, author = {Abraham Silberschatz and Peter B Galvin}, edition = {4th}, isbn = {0-201-59292-4}, pages = {780}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, title = {Operating System Concepts}, year = {1994} } @book{tmux, author = {Brian P Hogan}, isbn = {978-1-93435-696-8}, publisher = {Brian P Hogan}, title = {tmux: Productive Mouse-Free Development}, year = {2012} } @book{practical-guide-to-linux, author = {Mark Sobell}, edition = {3rd edition}, isbn = {0-13-308504-X}, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, title = {A Practical Guide to Linux}, year = {2013} } @book{human-pages-unix-desk-reference, author = {Peter Dyson}, title = {The human Pages: The Unix Desk Reference}, publisher = {SYBEX}, year = {1996}, isbn = {0-7821-1658-2} } @book{unix-systems, author = {Douglas Troy}, isbn = {0-201-19827-4}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, title = {UNIX Systems}, year = {1990} } @book{unix-och-x-fran-borjan, author = {Torbjörn Andréasson and Jan Skansholm}, edition = {Andra upplagan}, isbn = {91-44-34242-6}, publisher = {Studentlitteratur}, title = {UNIX och X från början}, year = {1993} } @book{quarter-century-of-unix, author = {Peter Salus}, isbn = {0201547775}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, title = {A Quarter Century of UNIX}, year = {1994} } @book{linux, author = {Michael Kofler}, isbn = {0201596288}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, title = {Linux: Installation, Configuration, and Use}, year = {1999} } %%%% maktens profiler @book{fler-maktens-profiler, author = {Bo Kage Carlson}, isbn = {91-27-75348-4}, publisher = {Natur och kultur}, title = {Fler maktens profiler}, year = {1991} } @book{maktens-profiler, author = {Bo Kage Carlson}, isbn = {91-27-75344-1}, publisher = {Natur och kultur}, title = {Maktens profiler}, year = {1985} } %%%% Trotsky @book{trotsky-1879-1921, author = {Isaac Deutscher}, publisher = {Vintage}, title = {Trotsky 1879-1921: The Prophet Armed}, year = {1954} } @book{trotsky-1921-1929, author = {Isaac Deutscher}, publisher = {Vintage}, title = {Trotsky 1921-1929: The Prophet Unarmed}, year = {1965} } @book{trotsky-1929-1940, author = {Isaac Deutscher}, publisher = {Vintage}, title = {Trotsky 1929-1940: The Prophet Outcast}, year = {1965} } @book{diary-in-exile, author = {Leon Trotsky}, publisher = {Oxford}, title = {Diary in Exile: 1935}, year = {1958} } %%%% SSSR, Soviet Union, USSR, CCCP, Sovjetunionen %%%% Russia, Ryssland, Ukraine, Ukraina %%%% Ukraine war @book{overreach, author = {Owen Matthews}, isbn = {978-0-00-856274-8}, publisher = {Mudlark}, title = {Overreach. The Inside Story of Putin's War Against Ukraine}, year = {2022} } @book{en-tid-for-krig, author = {Wilhelm Agrell}, isbn = {978-91-8050-425-6}, publisher = {Historisk media}, title = {En tid för krig. Europas väg mot storkonflikt 1939 och 2022}, year = {2024} } %% page 167 @book{dagbok-fran-en-invasion, author = {Andrej Kurkov}, isbn = {978-91-2718158-8}, publisher = {Natur \& Kultur}, title = {Dagbok från en invasion (Diary of an Invasion)}, year = {2023 (2022)} } %%%% Putin @book{putins-krets, author = {Catherine Belton}, isbn = {978-91-0-018849-8}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Putins krets: maktkampen om det moderna Ryssland}, year = {2021} } @book{putin-direkt, author = {Nataliya Gevorkyan and Andrei Kolesnikov and Natalya Timakova}, isbn = {91-973682-2-9}, publisher = {Samtid}, title = {Putin direkt: Samtal med Vladimir Putin}, year = {2000} } %% Maria Alexandrovna Gessen %% Putin's purchased thesis: https://www.rferl.org/a/1067113.html @book{mannen-utan-ansikte, author = {Masha Gessen}, isbn = {978-91-7337-484-2}, preface = {Stig Fredrikson}, pages = {436}, publisher = {Bromberg}, title = {Mannen utan ansikte (The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin)}, translator= {Nille Lindgren}, year = {2013 (2012)} } %%%% misc Sovjet / Ryssland @book{imperiet-maste-do, author = {Michail Zygar}, isbn = {978-91-7775-013-0}, publisher = {Ordfront}, title = {Imperiet måste dö}, year = {2017} } @book{skarpa-skarvor, author = {Patrik Oksanent}, isbn = {978-91-980453-1-4}, publisher = {Ohlin}, title = {Skarpa skärvor}, year = {2018} } %% ambassadör 1989-1994 @book{harskarna-i-kreml, author = {Örjan Berner}, isbn = {978-91-0-014348-0}, pages = {418}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Härskarna i Kreml}, year = {2014} } @book{ryska-elitforband-och-specialvapen, author = {Joakim von Braun and Lars Gyllenhaal}, isbn = {978-91-88243-10-2}, publisher = {Lind}, title = {Ryska elitförband och specialvapen}, year = {2016} } @book{gulag-de-sovjetiska-lagrens-historia, author = {Anne Applebaum}, isbn = {91-7263-658-0}, publisher = {Nordstedt}, title = {Gulag - de sovjetiska lägrens historia}, year = {2003} } @book{bekannelsen, author = {Boris Jeltsin}, isbn = {91-37-09817-9}, publisher = {Forum}, title = {Bekännelsen: Maktspelet bakom Kremls murar}, year = {1990} } @book{som-jag-minns-det, author = {Mikhail Gorbachev}, isbn = {978-91-86061-62-3}, publisher = {Fri Tanke}, title = {Som jag minns det}, year = {2013} } @book{dagbocker-1930-1940, author = {Alexandra Kollontaj}, isbn = {978-91-0-011493-0}, publisher = {Bonnier}, title = {Dagböcker 1930-1940}, year = {2008} } %%%% misc @book{rosterna-i-skogen, author = {Sten Björnulfson}, isbn = {978-91-85841-79-0}, publisher = {Mormor}, title = {Rösterna i skogen}, year = {2015} } @book{pocket-dictionary-of-art-terms, author = {Julia Ehresmann and James Hall}, isbn = {0-7195-3752-5}, publisher = {Pitman}, title = {The Pocket Dictionary of Art Terms}, year = {1980 (1979)} } @periodical{economist, editor = {Zanny Minton Beddoes}, issn = {0013-0613}, issuetitle= {The aliens among us. How viruses shape the world}, number = {9208}, title = {The Economist}, volume = {436}, year = {2020} }