#! /bin/zsh # This is a poor-man's xinitrc that should be # executed from X and hopefully much the same # will be done. # # Before executing, do 'su USER'. # # original file: ~/.xinitrc # URL: http://user.it.uu.se/~embe8573/conf/.xinitrc # load configuration for looks and shortcuts xrdb ~/.Xresources xbindkeys & # data in: ~/.xbindkeysrc # no beep xset -b # WM openbox & # keyboard setxkbmap -option caps:none # disable caps lock xmodmap -e 'keycode 66=a' # rebind CAPS (66) # start xterm with tmux xterm -fullscreen -e 'tmux new-session\; split-window -v\; select-pane -U'