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Book of Paths
Editor’s Introduction
The Kaye Materials, which came into the possession of the Ccru in late January 2000 (shortly after William Kaye’s untimely death), contain several mentions of The Book of Paths, referring to it on one occasion as: “the definitive confirmation of Stillwell’s basic insight”. Yet despite extensive investigation, the Ccru’s attempts to access this text were consistently frustrated. All inquiry into the book was suspended due to a complete lack of productive leads.
In 2003 the Ccru undertook an intensive investigation into Kaye’s cryptic references to documented interconnections between William Burroughs, Peter Vysparov and Lemurian time travel. During the course of this research the Ccru entered into correspondence with the Vysparov estate, inquiring into the contents of the Vysparov Library, where Kaye had spent many years working as an archivist and cataloguing director. The notorious library of the Vysparov family is reputed to contain one of the world’s greatest collections of occult works.
During the final stages of the research project, the Ccru received a package from the estate containing a photocopied document which, although untitled, proved upon careful inspection to be nothing less than the complete text of The Book of Paths. Appended to this document was a single page (also photocopied) of a handwritten letter from Chaim Horowitz to Peter Vysparov, dated February 1949.
It is this text which is reproduced here. On the basis of Horowitz’s letter it can be confidently identified as the so-called ‘B Manuscript’ of The Book of Paths, one of three type-copies of Horowitz’s first English translation from the Tibetan. As far as the Ccru is aware, this is the first time that The Book of Paths has been made publicly available in any language.
The Letter
Dear Peter,
Here at last is a complete translation of the Old Book. Having entrusted this package to Echidna’s safekeeping1, I am assuming it has reached you undisturbed.
The translation has taken me over a year. Perhaps inevitably, some difficult choices had to be made. It goes without saying that I have placed the strictest priority on the preservation of systematic coherence.
There is no need to remind you that the special circumstances attending the discovery of this text necessitate the very greatest discretion. I extracted a copy from ‘the place’ with considerable trouble, but of that let us converse on another occasion.2
Although I only had a brief opportunity to discuss the work with Echidna, she had many interesting points to make -- as always. In particular she has been able to find some tantalizing traces of its history within Chinese sources dating back to the Warring States period, when it was already considered profoundly archaic, with more than one ‘dark school’ even suggesting that it preceded the I Ching. It seems that by the early Tang it was considered to have been erased from the earth, one of the yaoshu or ‘devilish books’ destroyed utterly in Chin Shi Huang Di’s great burning.
Echidna herself thinks there are indications it was already serving as an oracle for the mysterious culture of the Shu Kingdom, 5,000 years ago. She has stumbled upon persistent rumours that a series of 84 bronze tablets were inexplicably removed from the Shu excavation site by figures described variously as ‘looters’ or ‘senior officials’.
We are both hopeful that Mme C. will be able to cast light on the oracular dimension of the work - in truth this has eluded us both so far, despite the most strenuous efforts.3
I am sure you will agree that these pages, inelegantly produced though they may be, will add inestimable riches to your family’s peerless collection of esoteria. Perhaps even more importantly, we are both confident it will prove itself profoundly relevant to your work on the ‘Pandemonium System’.4
Your invitation was received with great enthusiasm - if at all possible we shall meet in the fall.5
Yours with heartfelt regards,
1. Horowitz met the esteemed Lemurologist Echidna Stillwell
in Rangoon during the early spring of 1949.
2. ‘The Place’ clearly designates the source of the Mu Archives, where Horowitz
conducted research throughout most of the 1930s and 1940s. William Kaye believed
that it was located in a concealed sub-basement of the Potala Palace in Lhasa.
3. ‘Mme C.’ almost certainly refers to Zelda Maria de Monterre, better known
as Madame Centauri. During this period Madame Centauri was working as a ‘celestial
consultant’ or fortune teller in New York.
4. As of now (May 2004) Ccru has not been able to determine whether any such
‘profound relevance’ was in fact discovered.
5. There can be little doubt that the ‘invitation’ concerned the inaugural meeting
of the Cthulhu Club, scheduled for the fall of 1949.
The Book
1. Original Subtraction.
Ultimate descent through the Depths.
The path favours repeated patience linked by subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the three hidden roads.
Compliance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares undergo an ominous transition.
Difficulties annihilated in the end.
2. Extreme Regression.
Waiting in the Rising Drift leads to ultimate descent through the Depths.
The path favours threefold patience linked by subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the three hidden roads.
Compliance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire through strategic withdrawal.
Immersive nightmares undergo an ominous transition.
Difficulties annihilated in the end.
3. Abysmal Comprehension.
Ultimate descent beyond completion.
The path favours fourfold patience, repeated activity and deep subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the three hidden roads. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Compliance prevails.
Seven tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire through attainment.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
Difficulties annihilated in the end.
4. Primordial Breath.
Rising from the Lesser Depths.
The path favours repeated patience, joined by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
Fluid evolution.
5. Slipping Backwards.
Waiting in the Rising Drift precedes return.
The path favours patience, then subtlety
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails.
Two tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire through strategic withdrawal.
6. Attaining Balance.
Waiting in the Drifts is drawn to the centre.
The path favours repeated patient activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Compliance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire.
Attainments consumed in burning excitement.
7. Progressive Levitation.
Ascent from the Lesser Depths.
The path favours repeated patience, joined by activity, subtly consummated.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Resistance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
Fluid evolution triggers possession.
8. Eternal Digression.
Prolonged ascent from the Lesser Depths reaches the Twin Heavens.
The path favours threefold patience, repeated activity and elevated subtlety.
Superior subtlety enters the spiral labyrinth.
Resistance prevails.
Six tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
Feeding fluid evolution.
Dubious inheritance induces captivation.
Lucid delirium.
9. Sudden Flight.
Seized from the Heights.
The path favours subtlety.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Pure resistance.
One test on the way.
10. Jagged Flight.
Waiting in the Rising Drift winds its way to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours repeated patience, linked by activity and subtlety.
Superior subtlety enters the spiral labyrinth.
Resistance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire through attainment.
Captivation by lucid delirium.
11. Abysmal Subsidence.
The Sunken Track leads to ultimate descent.
The path favours repeated subtlety and patience.
Superior subtlety opens the the three hidden roads.
Compliance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
Difficulties annihilated in the end.
12. Slow Cataclysm.
Waiting in the falling drift leads to ultimate descent.
The path favours threefold patience, linked by activity and subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the three hidden roads.
Compliance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Arid tension succumbs to immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
Difficulties annihilated in the end.
13. Cyclic Perfection.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths precedes completion.
The path favours threefold patience, linked by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
Feeding fluid evolution.
Dubious inheritance consumed in burning excitement.
14. Tranquil Drowning.
Adhering to the Sunken Track.
The path favours subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Pure compliance.
One test on the way.
15. Suspended Decline.
Waiting in the Falling Drift leads downwards.
The path favours patience, then activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails
Two tests on the way.
Arid tension finds release.
16. Supreme Balance.
Crossing between the Drifts.
The path favours twofold patience, linked by activity.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Resistance prevails.
Three tests on the way
Escaping the quagmire.
Attainments consumed in burning excitement.
17. Profound Renewal.
The Sunken Track leads to the Rising Drift.
The path favours subtlety, then twofold patience, linked by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails
Four tests on the way.
Breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Promising developments feed fluid evolution.
18. Cyclic Elevation.
Waiting in the Falling Drift leads to completion.
The path favours threefold patience, linked by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails
Five tests on the way.
Aid tension finds release in immersive nightmares.
Promising developments feed fluid evolution.
19. Transcendent Resurgence.
The Sunken Track leads to eventual ascent.
The path favours twofold patience linked by activity, yet it begins and ends
in subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails
Five tests on the way.
Breakthrough into immersive nightmares spawns promising developments.
Fluid evolution triggers possession.
20. Alien Intervention.
The Sunken Track leads through broken completion to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours subtlety, patience and activity, until all methods entwine.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road and enters the spiral labyrinth.
Compliance prevails
Seven tests on the way.
Breakthrough into immersive nightmares spawns promising developments.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
Captivation by lucid delirium.
21. Supreme Comprehension.
Ascent beyond completion.
The path favours threefold patience, linked by activity, then subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails.
Six tests on the way.
Arid tension finds release.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
Fluid evolution triggers possession.
22. Reverse Flight.
Waiting in the Falling Drift ascends to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours patience and subtlety, until all methods entwine.
Superior subtlety enters the spiral labyrinth.
Compliance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Arid tension succumbs to captivation by lucid delirium.
23. Deepest Destiny.
Waiting in the Falling Drift leads to ultimate descent.
The path favours threefold patience, linked by activity then subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the three hidden roads. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Compliance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
Difficulties annihilated in the end.
24. Optimal Maturation.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths, then progress.
The path favours twofold patience and activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
25. Certain Slide.
Waiting in the Falling Drift precedes subsidence.
The path favours patience then activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Pure Compliance.
Two tests on the way.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough.
26. Preserving Stability.
Waiting in the Rising Drift, then crossing over.
The path favours patience, then activity.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Resistance prevails.
Two tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire through attainment.
27. Cyclic Regeneration.
Waiting in the Falling Drift leads to completion.
The path favours threefold patience, linked by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Compliance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Promising developments feed fluid evolution.
28. Transcendent Comprehension.
Ascent beyond completion.
The path favours threefold patience linked by activity, then subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Compliance prevails.
Six tests on the way.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Promising developments feed fluid evolution.
29. Celestial Abduction.
Sudden ascent to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours subtlety, until all methods entwine.
Superior subtlety enters the spiral labyrinth.
Compliance prevails.
Two tests on the way.
Captivation by lucid delirium.
30. Coiled Fervour.
Endless waiting in the Falling Drift.
The path favours patient activity.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Poised entanglement.
Twinned tests make the way.
Between burning excitment and arid tension.
31. Eternal Revolution.
Advance prolonged by waiting brings fractured completion.
The path first favours subtlety, then repeated patience and activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Breakthrough into immersive nightmares spawns promising developments.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
32. Vortical Escalation.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths leads to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours twofold patience linked by activity, then subtlety, until all
methods entwine.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road and enters the spiral labyrinth.
Resistance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
Fluid evolution triggers possession.
Swirling confusion.
33. Jagged Escalation.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths winds upwards.
The path favours twofold patience and activity, then subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
34. Celestial Capture.
Sudden ascent to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours subtlety, until all methods entwine.
Superior subtlety enters the spiral labyrinth.
Pure resistance.
Two tests on the way.
Possession by swirling confusion.
35. Erratic Flight.
Waiting in the Rising Drift winds upwards.
The path favours patience, activity and subtlety.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Resistance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire through attainment induces captivation.
36. Vortical Coincidence.
Endless waiting in the Twin Heavens.
The path favours all methods entwined.
Superior subtlety enters the spiral labyrinth.
Poised entanglement.
Twinned tests make the way.
Between lucid delirium and swirling confusion.
37. Indirect Escape.
The Sunken Track leads eventually to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours twofold subtlety, patience and activity, until all methods
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road and enters the spiral labyrinth.
Resistance prevails.
Six tests on the way.
Breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Promising developments feed fluid evolution.
Possession by swirling confusion.
38. Split Comprehension.
The Sunken Track leads through fractured completion, then ascent.
The path favours twofold subtlety, patience and activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Six tests on the way.
Breakthrough into immersive nightmares spawns promising developments.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
39. Eventual Comprehension.
Ascent beyond completion to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours threefold patience linked by activity, then subtlety, until
all methods entwine.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road and enters the spiral labyrinth.
Resistance prevails.
Seven tests on the way.
Arid tension finds release.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
Fluid evolution triggers possession by swirling confusion.
40. Climbing Reversal.
Waiting in the Falling Drift leads upwards.
The path favours patience then subtlety.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Pure resistance.
Two tests on the way.
Arid tension succumbs to captivation.
41. Final Comprehension.
Ascent beyond completion to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours threefold patience linked by activity, then subtlety, until
all methods entwine.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road and enters the spiral labyrinth.
Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Resistance prevails.
Seven tests on the way.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Promising developments feed fluid evolution.
Possession by swirling confusion.
42. Abrupt Elevation.
The path favours subtlety.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Pure resistance.
One test on the way.
43. Deep Regression.
Return leads to ultimate descent.
The path favours threefold subtlety and repeated patience.
Superior subtlety opens the three hidden roads.
Compliance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Strategic withdrawal into immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
Difficulties annihilated in the end.
44. Profound Comprehension.
Ultimate descent beyond completion.
The path favours fourfold patience, threefold activity, and subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the three hidden roads. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Compliance prevails.
Seven tests on the way.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
Difficulties annihilated in the end.
45. Primal Awakening.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths precedes advance.
The path favours patience, then activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Two tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
46. Basic Reversion.
The path favours subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Pure compliance.
One test on the way.
Strategic withdrawal.
47. Attaining Imbalance.
Waiting in the Drifts precedes subsidence.
The path favours twofold patience and activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Compliance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough.
48. Perpetual Bubbling.
Endless waiting in the Rising Drift.
The path favours patient activity.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Poised entanglement.
Twinned tests make the way.
Between fluid evolution and the quagmire.
49. Escape Velocity.
Waiting in the Rising Drift precedes ascent.
The path favours patience, then subtlety.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Compliance prevails.
Two tests on the way.
Fluid evolution triggers possession.
50. Erratic Interference.
Waiting in the Rising Drift winds upwards to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours patience, activity and subtlety, until all methods entwine.
Superior subtlety enters the spiral labyrinth.
Compliance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
Captivation by lucid delirium.
51. Swift Revival.
The Sunken Track leads out of the depths.
The path favours subtlety, patience and activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Breakthrough into immersive nightmares spawns promising developments.
52.Slow Revival.
Waiting in the Falling Drift leads through the Lesser Depths.
The path favours twofold patience and activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Arid tension finds release.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
53.Suspended Animation.
Crossing between the Drifts.
The path favours twofold patience, linked by activity.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Compliance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
Burning excitement.
54. Eventual Resurgence.
Waiting in the Falling Drift leads through the Lesser Depths.
The path favours twofold patience and activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Resistance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough.
Immersive nightmares spawn promising developments.
55. Upholding Stability.
Waiting in the Rising Drift crosses over.
The path favours patience and activity.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Compliance prevails.
Two tests on the way.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
56. Bubbling Anomalies.
Waiting in the Rising Drift leads to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours patience, then subtlety, until all methods entwine.
Superior subtlety enters the spiral labyrinth.
Compliance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Fluid evolution triggers possession by swirling confusion.
57. Jagged Abduction.
Waiting in the Rising Drift winds upwards.
The path favours patience, activity and subtlety.
Superior subtlety leads nowhere.
Compliance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
58. Terminal Undertow.
Ultimate descent through the Greater Depths.
The path favours subtlety and patience.
Superior subtlety opens the two abysmal roads.
Compliance prevails.
Two tests on the way.
Ominous transition.
Difficulties annihilated in the end.
59. Self-Swallowing Somnolence.
Endless waiting in the Lesser Depths.
The path favours patient activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Poised entanglement.
Twinned tests make the way.
Between sublime dreams and immersive nightmares.
60. Submergent Mirroring.
Waiting in the Rising Drift leads to the Lesser Depth.
The path favours twofold patience linked by subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire.
Strategic withdrawal into immersive nightmares.
61. Cyclic Dreaming.
Waiting in the Rising Drift leads to completion.
The path favours threefold patience linked by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Resistance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire through attainment.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough
Immersive nightmares.
62. Emergent Mirroring.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths leads to the Rising Drift.
The path favours twofold patience linked by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Sublime dreams split apart by fluid evolution.
63. Tidal Evacuation.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths leads to ascent.
The path favours twofold patience linked by activity, then subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Sublime dreams split apart.
Fluid evolution triggers possession.
64. Tidal Vortex.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths leads to the Twin Heavens
The path favours twofold patience and activity, then subtlety, until all methods
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road and enters the spiral labyrinth.
Compliance prevails.
Six tests on the way.
Sublime dreams split apart by fluid evolution.
A dubious inheritance induces captivation.
Lucid delirium.
65. Rapid Submergence.
The Sunken Track leads to the Lesser Depths.
The path favours subtlety and patience.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Two tests on the way.
Breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
66. Suspended Subduction.
Waiting in the Falling Drift leads downwards.
The path favours twofold patience linked by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Arid tension finds release in immersive nightmares.
67. Cyclic Succession.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths leads to completion.
The path favours threefold patience linked by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Sublime dreams split apart.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
Burning excitement.
68. Sliding Subduction.
Waiting in the Falling Drift leads downwards.
The path favours twofold patience linked by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Resistance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough.
Immersive nightmares.
69. Prolonged Emergence.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths rises and crosses over.
The path favours twofold patience and activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Sublime dreams split apart.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
70. Absolute Escalation.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths leads to the Twin Heavens.
The path favours twofold patience linked by activity, then subtlety, until all
methods entwine.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road and enters the spiral labyrinth.
Compliance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Sublime dreams split apart.
Fluid evolution triggers possession.
Swirling confusion.
71. Erratic Escalation.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths winds upwards.
The path favours twofold patience and activity, then subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Sublime dreams split apart.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
72. Larval Awakening.
Waiting in the Lesser Depths precedes advance.
The path favours patience, then activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Compliance prevails.
Two tests on the way.
Sublime dreams split apart.
73. Larval Reversion.
Retreating to wait in the Lesser Depths.
The path favours subtlety, then patience.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road.
Resistance prevails.
Two tests on the way.
Strategic withdrawal into immersive nightmares.
74. Cyclic Submergence.
Advance prolonged by waiting brings completion in the Lesser Depths.
The path favours threefold patience joined by activity.
Superior subtlety opens the first hidden road. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Resistance prevails.
Five tests on the way.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough.
Immersive nightmares.
75. Seething Nullity.
Endless waiting in the Greater Depths.
The path favours patient activity.
Superior subtlety opens the two abysmal roads.
Poised entanglement.
Twinned tests make the way.
Between annihilation and the end.
76. Continual Sinking.
Waiting in the Lesser depths precedes prolonged descent.
The path favours patience, then subtlety
Superior subtlety opens the higher abysmal road.
Pure resistance.
Two tests on the way.
Immersive nightmares undergo an ominous transition.
77. Chthonic Regression.
Waiting in the Rising Drift precedes prolonged descent.
The path favours twofold patience and subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first two hidden roads.
Resistance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire through strategic withdrawal.
Immersive nightmares undergo an ominous transition.
78. Deep Comprehension.
Waiting in the Rising Drift precedes prolonged descent, beyond completion.
The path favours threefold patience linked by activity, then subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first two hidden roads. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Resistance prevails.
Six tests on the way.
Escaping the quagmire through attainment.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
79. Subterranean Slippage.
The Sunken Track leads to prolonged descent.
The path favours patience embedded in subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first two hidden roads.
Resistance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
80. Subterranean Impulsion.
Waiting in the Falling Drift precedes descent
The path favours twofold patience linked by activity, then subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first two hidden roads. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Resistance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Arid tension finds release in immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
81. Buried Instinct.
Waiting in the Falling Drift precedes descent
The path favours twofold patience linked by activity, then subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first two hidden roads. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Resistance prevails.
Four tests on the way.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
82. Plunging Backwards.
Retreat leads to descent.
The path favours patience embedded in subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first two hidden roads.
Resistance prevails.
Three tests on the way.
Strategic withdrawal into immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
83. Unending Comprehension.
Waiting in the Rising Drift precedes descent, beyond completion.
The path favours threefold patience linked by activity, then subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the first two hidden roads. Fate marks the Sunken Track.
Resistance prevails
Six tests on the way.
Fluid evolution leaves a dubious inheritance.
Burning excitement provokes breakthrough into immersive nightmares.
Ominous transition.
84. Compressed
The path favours subtlety.
Superior subtlety opens the second hidden road.
Pure resistance.
One test on the way.
Ominous transition.