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Zone Six



The Numeral 6

The figure six (6) is rotationally equivalent to the numeral ‘9' (the two figures together composing a system of twin-spirals). Six participates in a figural set - including the (lower-case) letters b, d, and q, plus (upper- and lower-case) P - of particular and distinct interest to figural grammarians, who have suggested that the ur-form of both six and nine were continuously involutionary spirals.

The figure ‘6' designates the number six, third even number, and second non-prime (with prime-factors 2 and 3).

Six is the first ‘perfect' number, equivalent to the sum of its factors (1, 2, and 3), and revered as such by Pythagoras.

Six digitally cumulates to twenty-one.

Numeric Keypad direction: East.

Despite its ‘perfection,' six is perhaps the darkest of the elementary decimal numbers, due to its association with chance (the six faces of the die), ill-omen (indicated by the ambivalence of the word or prefix ‘Hex'), and occult intuition (the ‘sixth sense').

The six lines of the I Ching hexagram designate the six stages of change discovered by archaic Taoism (which are numerically equivalent to the cyclic-sequence of digitally reduced binary-powers, with values: 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5).

In the Christian world the number six is ominously coloured by its triplicate reiteration - 666 (or six hundred three-score and six), the Number of the Beast of Revelation - which has preoccupied Christian qabbalism throughout the greater part of the last two Millennia. Six-hunded and sixty-six is the triangular cumulation of thirty-six (itself the second power of six). The division of modern bar-codes into blocks punctuated by (three) sixes has been taken by some as an uncanny fulfillment of the biblical prophecy [Rev XIII:17] 'that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.' (Since thirty-six is the digital cumulation of eight, however, it is to that number - and not six - that this entire complex should ultimately be referred).

The number sixty (60) - decimal escalation of six - has acquired prominence due to its extraordinary and influential importance to Sumero-Babylonian culture, from whom the modern world has inherited the sexigesimal principle of division (into minutes and seconds) still current within both chronometry and geometry.



The Sixth Planet: Saturn

Saturn (or Sol-6) has a mean orbital distance from the sun of approx. 1 429 400 000 km. The Saturnian year is a little over 29.47 earth-years in length, and its day has a length of roughly 10.18 hours on the surface (which is half an hour less than that of its solid core).

The Saturnian ring-system is divided into seven major bands (labelled D, C, B, A, F, G, E since Huygens), and actually consists of more than 100 000 component rings.

Saturn has eighteen confirmed (and named) moons, although the total might be as high as thirty-two. The largest moon - Titan - is more massive than Mercury.

Saturn has a magnetic field. Its magnetosphere is about one-third the size of Jupiter's. It is the least dense of the planets (with an average density lower than that of water). A huge standing wave pattern around the northern polar region produces the appearance of a permanent hexagon.

The Roman god Saturn is identified with the Greek Cronos, god of time, and father of Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto (amongst the planetary deities). Saturn is celebrated in the seven days of Saturnalia (the Roman Winter-festival), and in the name of Saturday.

In Lemurian Planetwork Saturn is astrozygonomously paired with Earth.


System Notes

Zone-6 is the second of the two Warp-region Zones of the Numogram. Its Warp-complement and Syzygetic-twin is Zone-3. It is this 6+3 Syzygy (carried by the demon Djynxx) which draws the 'Ulterior Vortex' of Outer-Time. Zone-6 provides the terminus for two channels, one each from the Torque (the 5th), and the Warp (the 3rd).

Zone-6 both initiates and envelops the Sixth-Phase of Pandemonium (including 64 impulse-entities). Chaim Horovitz qabbalistically relates this phase, multitude, or 'Tone' to the hexagrams of the I Ching and to the yantras of the Ur-Oriyan Yoginis. As initiator, Zone-6 corresponds to the Sixth Door. Muvian sorcery attributes this door - which it names Undu - to the terrible chaotic xenodemon (and imp of the first degree) Tchu (6::0), primordially associated with shocking disappearances.

The Sixth Gate (Gt-21) twists Zone-6 through Zone-3, vortically recycling it into the Warp. Its corresponding channel tracks the course of the Warp-current, reinforcing the turbular-momentum of the entire region.

Mu Tantrism plots Warp-region intensities onto the plane of the third-eye.

Zone-6 is allotted the Sarkonian Mesh-Tag 0063 (a fact of obvious importance to the culture of Tzikvik cipher-shamanism).

Lemurian subcultures associate Zone-6 with the occulted dimensions of Undu, turbular erosion and the dead eye of the cyclone. The intensity of vortical involvement with Zone-3 problematizes distinct characterization.

Centauri subdecadence maps Zone-6 onto the passive side of the Fourth (or Crown) Pylon on the Atlantean Cross. As the dark aspect of Fortune (‘far future’) it corresponds to ‘gnostic death,’ event horizon, and the absolutely unexpected.

Stillwell links Zone-6 to the Munumese quasiphonic particle ‘tch,’ approximating to the interphoneme ‘dzch/tj.’


Phase-6 Lemurs

[M#-15] 6::0 Tchu
[M#-16] 6::1 Djungo
[M#-17] 6::2 Djuddha
[M#-18] 6::3 Djynxx
[M#-19] 6::4 Tchakki
[M#-20] 6::5 Tchattuk