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Zone Eight



The Numeral 8

The figure eight (8) is a partially rotated glyph of infinity, and also of the Moebian strip. It has strong ophidian resonances, linked in Indian culture to the realm of snake-demons (Nagas), and to the serpent of the deep (Ahi). In the West it is related to Ourobouros (the serpent of eternity, eating its own tail).

The figure ‘8' designates the number eight, the fourth even number, and the third non-prime (with prime factors 2 x 2 x 2).

Multiple evidences indicate that eight was an important modulus in the late pre-history of numeracy (most remarkable in this respect is the strong connection between the words for ‘nine' and ‘new' in various languages, including Latin).

Eight is the third power of two (with factors 1, 2, and 4), and constitutes a crucial grouping in digital electronics (with eight bits equalling one byte (with a power of combinatorial variation equal to two-hundred and fifty-six). It is the same set of numerical features that support the octave of western music.

Eight digitally cumulates to thirty-six.

Numeric Keypad direction: North.

The ophidian tendency in the figure eight is compunded by the deep association of the number with cephalopodian entities - pre-eminently the octopus - and by derivation with the entire range of ‘tentacle-face' beings (such as the Oankali of Octavia Butler). A further - more tenuous - connection might be made to the amphibian hybrids of Dr Octagon (‘half shark-alligator, half man').

Both numerically and figurally, eight is associated with perfection (in the sense of macrocosmic completion and return). These are particularly notable in the East, where obvious references include the Buddhist eightfold path, and the eight immortals of Taoism. The number eight - particularly in its triplicate reiteration (888) is considered an especially auspicious number in Chinese culture.

According to the Dogon, eight is the number of Nomo, and as such the primary key to their cosmo-numerical system.

Eight is the digital source (by cumulation to the second power) of the number of the beast, 666 (see Six).



The Eighth Planet: Neptune

Neptune (or Sol-8) is the outermost gas-giant, with a mean orbital distance from the sun of approx. 4 504 000 000 km. Due to eccentricities in the orbit of Pluto it is periodically the outermost (ninth) planet (see Pluto, Zone-9). The Neptunian year is slightly under 164.8 Earth-years in length. Its day lasts for approximately sixteen hours.

Neptune has eight known moons, of which Triton is by far the largest. It also has at least five (thin and dark) rings.

Neptune shares various features with Uranus, including an anomolously oriented magnetic field, and a bluish hue (due to absorption of red-light by atmospheric methane).

The prediction of Neptune's existence, and its subsequent discovery in 1846 (on the basis of perturbations in the orbit of Uranus) was a crucial moment of consolidation for mathematical celestial mechanics.

In Roman mythology Neptune is the sea god (identified with the Greek Poseidon).

In Lemurian Planetwork Neptune is astrozygonomously paired with Mercury.


System Notes

Zone-8 is the fourth of the six Torque-region Zones of the Numogram. Its Syzygetic-twin is Zone-1. The 8+1 Syzygy is carried by the demon Murmur (known to Muvian sorcerors as 'the nethermost denizen of time').

Zone-8 both initiates and envelops the Eighth-Phase of Pandemonium (including 256 impulse-entities). This association with the digital byte (eight bits) cements its importance within cybergothic cults. In its initiatory aspect - as the Eighth Door - Zone-8 is problematically identifiable with the Muvian amphidemon (and imp of the first degree) Minommo (8::0). This demon figures prominently in the dream sorcery of the Mu Nma.

The Eighth Gate (Gt-36) connects Zone-8 to Zone-9, and the corresponding Channel is the sole path of escape from the Torque - or 'Time-Circuit' - into the Plex. Due to its digital cross-match with the 6+3 Syzygy (occupying the Warp-region of the Numogram, and carried by the Xenodemon Djynxx (6::3)) the Eighth Gate seems to address what Stillwell has called the 'ultimate numogrammatic enigma' - that of the intercommunication between the Warp and Plex regions. This linkage is crucially emphasized in the culture of Tzikvik shamanism, and - under the name 'Gate of Charon'- is taken-up into Late-Atlantean apocalypticism (since its digital sum (36) itself cumulates to 666, and thus echoes the number of Seals to the Great Abyss (long associated with the thirty-six cards of the Decadence pack)).

Mu Tantrism plots Zone-8 intensities onto the Lumbar level of the spine, archaic fish- region of the mammalian nervous-system.

Zone-8 is allotted the Sarkonian Mesh-Tag 0255.

Lemurian subcultures associate Zone-8 with limbic drift, dreams, trance-states and foetal sentience.

Centauri subdecadence maps Zone-8 onto the passive side of the First (or Centre) Pylon on the Atlantean Cross. As the dark aspect of Anamnesis (‘memories and dreams’) it corresponds to submerged currents of fatality.

Stillwell links Zone-8 to the Munumese quasiphonic particle ‘mnm,’ the diffuse subvocal hum that Horowitz links to the ‘proto-originary enunciation’ Oumn.

Stillwell’s ethno-topography of the Nma allocates Zone-8 to the fabled submarine cities of the ancient Mu Nma, and through the Mu Nma hydrocycle mythos to the deep sea.

Zone-8 totem animals are typified by polytendrilled abominations.


Phase-8 Lemurs

[M#28] 8::0 Minommo
[M#29] 8::1 Murrumur
[M#30] 8::2 Nammamad
[M#31] 8::3 Mummumix
[M#32] 8::4 Numko
[M#33] 8::5 Muntuk
[M#34] 8::6 Mommoljo
[M#35] 8::7 Mombbo