Templeton Episode
The name of Profesor Randolph Edmund Templeton is inextricably
tangled with the secret perplexities of time. It was he who, by
way of a yet barely comprehended time-anomaly, provided the model
for HP Lovecraft's Randolph Carter ... And yet it was this 'same'
RE Templeton who - on March 21st 1999, whilst delivering a lecture
at Miskatonic devoted to a rigorous critique of HG Wells - awoke
suddenly as the Thing that lurks behind the mask of Immanuel Kant,
coincidentally discoverering the transcendental time-machine.Templeton sits immobile in his attic room, immersed in the deceptively erratic
ticking of his old nautical clock, lost in meditation upon JC Chapman's
hermetic engraving. It now seems that this complex image, long accepted
as a portrait of Kant, constitutes a disturbing monogram of his own chronological
predicament. As if in mockery of stable framing, the picture is surrounded
by strange-loop coilings of Ouraboros, the cosmic snake , who traces a figure
of eight - and of moebian eternity - by endlessly swallowing itself. Suspended
from its lower jaw is a cryptic device of intricately balanced circles and
stars (ancient symbols of the AOE). Above the sepent's head, a facsimile
of Kant is etched in profile, the face fixed in an amiable - if distant
- expression. What was it though, that hid behind the death-mask, where
it cut-off, below and behind the jaw, false ear, and double hair-line? What
was this peculiarly formless body, shadowy neck-flesh, and suggestion of
a cervical fin? As he stared, and hideously remembered, Templeton felt as
though he knew.
- Nick Land-Meltdown
- Kodwo Eshun-Motion
- R.Mackay/M.Fisher-Pomophobia
- Rohit Lekhi-Futureloop/
Black Bedlam
- Ccru-Swarmachines
- Steve Metcalf-Killing
Time/Strife Kolony/NeoFuturism
- Angus Carlyle-Amortal
Kombat/No UFOs
- Rob Heath
& Christina Paouros-Destination
3000 Degrees
- David Cole-Post-Cybernetic
Judicial War
- Iain Hamilton
Grant-Burning AutoPoiOedipus
- S.Livingston/L.Parisi/
A.Greenspan-Amphibious Maidens
- Kodwo Eshun-Abducted
by Audio (Live)
- Steve Goodman-Darkcore
- Tom Epps-The
Body of Foucault
- Switch-Flee
digital hyperstition
- Ccru-
Barker Speaks
- Melanie Newton-Y2Panik
- Steve Goodman-
Hyper-C: Breaking the Net
- Ron Eglash
- Recursive Numeric
Sequences in Africa
- Ron Eglash
- Africa in the Origins
of the Binary Code
- Ccru -
Tales from the Cthulhu Club:
The Vault of Murmurs, Leaks
from the Miskatonic Bunker-Hotel, The
Templeton Episode
- Ccru -
- Ccru -