About me: My name is Solène Rapenne, pronouns she/her. I like learning and sharing knowledge. Hobbies: '(Qubes OS BSD OpenBSD Lisp cmdline gaming security QubesOS internet-stuff). I love percent and lambda characters. Qubes OS core team member, former OpenBSD developer solene@. No AI is involved in this blog.

Contact me: solene at dataswamp dot org or @solene@bsd.network (mastodon).

I'm a freelance OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Linux and Qubes OS consultant, this includes DevOps, DevSecOps, technical writing or documentation work.


2022-02-10 Reed-alert: five years later


2020-02-04 Common LISP awk macro for easy text file operations


2018-01-17 Monitor your systems with reed-alert


2017-12-05 Showing some Common Lisp features

2017-01-21 New cl-yag version


2016-09-26 Common LISP: How to open an SSL / TLS stream

2016-09-21 Port of the week: stumpwm

2016-08-11 Website now compatible gopher !

2016-06-06 My Stumpwm config on OpenBSD