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Decimal Numogram
Pandemonium is the complete system of Lemurian demonism and time sorcery. It consists of two principal components: Numogram (time-map) and Matrix (listing the names, numbers and attributes of the demons). The system is constructed according to immanent criteria latent in decimal numeracy, and involves only basic arithmetical operations (assembled from additions and subtractions). The Numogram, or Decimal Labyrinth, is composed of ten zones (numbered 0-9) and their interconnections. These zones are grouped into five pairs (syzygies) by nine-sum twinning [zygonovism]. The arithmetical difference of each syzygy defines a current (or connection to a tractor zone). Currents constitute the primary flows of the numogram. Each zone number when digitally cumulated defines the value of a gate, whose reduction sets the course of a corresponding channel. Channels constitute the secondary flows, time-holes, or secret interconnections of the numogram. The arrangement of currents divides the Maze into three basic time-systems. Firstly, the currents of the three central syzygies mutually compose a cycle, rotating in anticlockwise steps. Lemurian sorcery calls this inner loop the Time-Circuit. Secondly, and thirdly, in both the Upper and the Lower syzygies the currents produced fold back into (a half of) themselves, constituting autonomous loops: the Warp (upper), and Plex (lower). Warp and Plex circuitries are of an intrinsically cryptic nature, which is compounded by the enigmas of their interconnection. They are variously considered to be Outside- or Outer-time. The gates and
their channels knit the Maze together, providing connections between
otherwise incompatible time-systems. They open and close the ways of
sorcerous traffic. Although each gate deranges time in its own way,
their operations vary with a certain regional consistency. 1. Numogram and Otz Chaiim. To those familiar with the Western Magical Tradition, it is likely that the Numogram will initially evoke the Qabbalistic Tree of Life. Both are constructed as decimal diagrams, involving webs of connectivity between ten basic zones, mysteriously twisted into a cryptic ultra-cycle (that links upper and lower regions). Both treat names as numbers, and numerize by digital reduction and cumulation. Both include passages across abysmal waters and through infernal regions. Both map zones onto spinal levels. Despite these manifold interlinkages, there are compelling reasons to consider the Tree of Life a scrambled variant of the Numogram, rather than a parallel system. During its long passage through Atlantean and post-Atlantean hermetic traditions the systematic distortions of the Numogram (introduced to confuse the uninitiated) gradually hardened into erroneous doctrines, and a dogmatic image of the Tree. Most evidently,
a vulgar distribution of the numbers - in their exoteric counting-order
- was substituted (redundantly) for the now esoteric numogrammatical
distribution, which proceeds in accordance with immanent criteria (the
web emerging qabbalisitically from the zone-numbers themselves). More
devastatingly, the orginal consistency of numeracy and language seems
to have been fractured at an early stage, introducing a division between
the number of the Sephiroth (10) and that of the Hebrew alphabet (22).
The result was a break between the nodes of the tree and the interconnecting
paths, ruining all prospect of decipherment. The Sephiroth -segmented
over-aganist their connections - become static and structural, whilst
the paths lose any rigorous principle of allocation. A strictly analogous
outcome is evident in the segmentation of the Tarot into Major and Minor
Arcana. Increasingly desperate, arbitrary, and mystifying attempts to
re-unite the numbers and their linkages seems to have bedevilled all
succeeding occult traditions. 2. Numogram and I Ching. There is considerable
evidence, both immanent and historical, that the chinese I Ching and
the Nma numogram share a hypercultural matrix. Both are associated with
intricate zygonomies, or double-numbering systems, and process abstract
problematics involving subdivisions of decimal arrays (as suggested
by the Ten Wings of traditional I Ching commentary). Digital reduction
of binary powers stabilizes in a six-step cycle (with the values 1,
2, 4, 8, 7, 5). These steps correspond to the lines of the hexagram,
and to the time-circuit zones of the Numogram, producing a binodecimal
6-Cycle (which is also The numogram time-circuit, or I Ching hexagam, implictly associates zero with the set of excluded triadic values. It is intriguing in this respect that numerous indications point to an early struggle between triadic and binary numbering practices in ancient chinese culture, suggesting that the binary domination of decimal numeracy systematically produces a triadic residue consistent with nullity. The hexagram itself exhibits obvious tension in this respect, since it reinserts a triadic hyperfactor into the reduced binodigital set (compounded by its summation to twenty-seven, or the third power of three). An ancient binotriadic
parallel to the I Ching, called the T'ai Hsuan Ching (or Book of the
Great Dark) consisted of eighty-one tetragrams, reversing the relation
of foregrounded and implicit numerical values. The division of Lao Tse's
Tao Te Ching into eighty-one sections suggests that this numerical conflict
was an animating factor in the early history of Taoism. Nma culture cannot be decoded without the key provided by the Lemurian Time-Maze. The influence of a hyper triadic criterion of time is evident in the relics of Nma kinship organization, calendrics, and associated rituals. Prior to the calamity of 1883, the Nma consisted of true tribes (tripartite macrosocial divisions). They were distributed in a basic tridentity (interlocking large-scale groupings into Tak- Mu- and Dib-Nma), supported by a triangular patrilocal marriage-cycle. Each marriage identified a woman with a numogram current, or time-passage. (Tak-Nma women marrying into the Mu-Nma, Mu-Nma ditto Dib-Nma, Dib-Nma ditto Tak-Nma). The common calendar of all three tribes was based upon a zygotriadic system (using 6 digits to divide a double-year period of 729 days into fractional powers of three). The Mu-Nma still employ such a calendar today. (The current Mu-Nma calendar is adjusted by regular intercalations of three additional days every second cycle, or four years. The earlier practice of intercalations is not easily recoverable). In the rituals of the Nma the time-circuit is concretized as a hydro-cycle: a division and recombination of the waters. The three stages of this recurrent transmutation are, 1) the undivided waters (oceanic), 2) cloud-building (evaporation), and 3) down-pour (precipitation, river-flow). These are associated with the great sea-beast (Mur Mur), the lurker of steaming swamps (Oddubb), and that which hunts amongst the raging storms (Katak). The cycle is closed by a return to the abysmal waters, intrinsically linking the order of time, and its recurrence, to an ultimate cataclysm (prior to any opposition of cyclic and apocalyptic time). It is in this context that the transcultural deluge-mythos can be restored to its aboriginal sense (which also corresponds to the Hindu Trimurti, with its three stages of creation, preservation and destruction). 4. The Numogram Zones The
Zones. Zone Zero. Zone
One. Zone Two. Zone
Three. Zone Four. Zone
Five. Zone Six. Zone
Seven. Zone Eight. Zone
Nine. |