About me: My name is Solène Rapenne, pronouns she/her. I like learning and sharing knowledge. Hobbies: '(BSD OpenBSD Qubes OS Lisp cmdline gaming security QubesOS internet-stuff). I love percent and lambda characters. OpenBSD developer solene@. No AI is involved in this blog.

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Using GitHub Actions to maintain Gentoo packages repository

Written by Solène, on 04 March 2023.
Tags: #gentoo #automation

Comments on Fediverse/Mastodon

1. Introduction §

In this blog post, I'd like to share how I had fun using GitHub actions in order to maintain a repository of generic x86-64 Gentoo packages up to date.

Built packages are available at https://interbus.perso.pw/ and can be used in your binrepos.conf for a generic x86-64 packages provider, it's not building many packages at the moment, but I'm open to add more packages if you want to use the repository.

GitHub Project page: Build Gentoo Packages For Me

2. Why §

I don't really like GitHub, but if we can use their CPU for free for something useful, why not? The whole implementation and setup looked fun enough that I should give it a try.

I was using a similar setup locally to build packages for my Gentoo netbook using a more powerful computer, so it was actually achievable, so I had to try. I don't have much use of it myself, but maybe a reader will enjoy the setup and do something similar (maybe not for Gentoo).

My personal infrastructure is quite light, with only an APU router plus a small box with an Atom CPU as a NAS, I was looking for a cheap way to keep their Gentoo systems running without having to compile locally.

3. Challenges §

Building a generic Gentoo packages repository isn't straighforward for a rew reasons:

  • compilation flags must match all the consumers' architecture
  • default USE flags must be useful for many
  • no support for remote builders
  • the whole repository must be generated on a single machine with all the files (can't be incremental)

Fortunately, there are Gentoo containers images that can be used to start a fresh Gentoo, and from there, build packages from a clean system every time. Packages have to be added into the container before each change, otherwise the file Packages that will be generated as a repository index won't contain all the files.

Using a -march=x86-64 compiler flag allows targeting all the amd64 systems, at the cost of less optimized binaries.

For the USE flags, a big part of Gentoo, I chose to select a default profile and simply stick with it. People using the repository could still change their USE flags, and only pick the binary packages from the repo if they still match expectations.

4. Setup §

We will use GitHub actions (Free plan) to build packages for a given Gentoo profile, and then upload it to a remote server that will share the packages over HTTPS.

The plan is to use a docker image of a stage3 Gentoo provided by the project gentoo-docker-images, pull previously built packages from my server, build new packages or updating existing packages, and push the changes to my server. Meanwhile, my server is serving the packages over https.

GitHub's actions are a feature from GitHub allowing to create Continuous Integration easy by providing "actions" (reusable components made by other) that you organize in steps.

For the job, I used the following steps on an Ubuntu system:

  1. Deploy SSH keys (used to pull/push packages to my server) stored as secrets in the GitHub project
  2. Checkout the sources of the project
  3. Make a local copy of the packages repository
  4. Create a container image based on the Gentoo stage3 + instructions to run
  5. Run the image that will use emerge to build the packages
  6. Copy the new repository on the remote server (using rsync to copy the diff)

GitHub project page: Gentoo Docker Images

5. Problems encountered §

While the idea is simple, I faced a lot of build failures, here is a list of problems I remember.

5.1. Go is failing to build (problem is Docker specific) §

For some reasons, Go was failing to build with a weird error, this is due to some sandboxing done by emerge that wasn't allowed by the Docker environment.

The solution is to loose the sandboxing with FEATURES="-ipc-sandbox -pid-sandbox -sandbox -usersandbox" in /etc/portage/make.conf. That's not great.

5.2. Raw stage3 is missing pieces §

The starter image is a stage3 of Gentoo, it's quite bare, one critical package missing to build other but never pulled as dependency is kernel sources.

You need to install sys-kernel/gentoo-sources if you want builds to succeed for many packages.

5.3. No merged-usr profile §

The gentoo docker images repository isn't provided merged-usr profiles (yet?), I had to install merged-usr and run it, to have a correct environment matching the selected profile.

5.4. Compilation is too long §

The job time is limited to 6h00 on the free plan, I added a timeout for the emerge doing the building job to stop a bit earlier, to let it some time to push the packages to the remote server, this will allow saving time for the next run. Of course, this only works until a single package require more than the timeout time to build (but it's quite unlikely given the CI is fast enough).

6. Security §

One has to trust GitHub actions, GitHub employees may have access to jobs running there, and could potentially compromise built packages using a rogue container image. While it's unlikely, this is a possibility.

Also, please note that the current setup doesn't sign the packages. This is something that could be added later, you can find documentation on the Gentoo Wiki for this part.

Gentoo Wiki: Binary package guide

Another interesting area for security was the rsync access of the GitHub actions to easily synchronize the packages with the builder. It's possible to restrict an SSH key to a single command to run, like a single rsync with no room to change a single parameter. Unfortunately, the setup requires using rsync in two different cases: downloading and pushing files, so I had to write a wrapper looking at the variable SSH_COMMAND and allowing either the "pull" rsync, or the "push" rsync.

Restrict rsync command over SSH

7. Conclusion §

The GitHub free plan allows you to run a builder 24/7 (with no parallel execution), it's really fast enough to keep a non-desktop @world up to date. If you have a pro account, the local cache GitHub cache may not be limited, and you may be able to keep the built packages there, removing the "pull packages" step.

If you really want to use this, I'd recommend using a schedule in the GitHub action to run it every day. It's as simple as adding this in the GitHub workflow.

   - cron: '0 2 * * *'  # every day at 02h00

8. Credits §

I would like to thank Jonathan Tremesaygues who wrote most of the GitHub actions pieces after I shared with him about my idea and how I would implement it.

Jonathan Tremesaygues's website

9. Going further §

Here is a simple script I'm using to use a local Linux machine as a Gentoo builder for the box you run it from. It's using a gentoo stage3 docker image, populated with packages from the local system and its /etc/portage/ directory.

Note that you have to use app-misc/resolve-march-native to generate the compiler command line parameters to replace -march=native because you want the remote host to build with the correct flags and not its own -march=native, you should also make sure those flags are working on the remote system. From my experience, any remote builder newer than your machine should be compatible.

Tildegit: Example of scripts to build packages on a remote machine for the local machine