About me: My name is Solène Rapenne, pronouns she/her. I like learning and sharing knowledge. Hobbies: '(BSD OpenBSD Qubes OS Lisp cmdline gaming security QubesOS internet-stuff). I love percent and lambda characters. OpenBSD developer solene@. No AI is involved in this blog.

Contact me: solene at dataswamp dot org or @solene@bsd.network (mastodon).

I'm a freelance OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Linux and Qubes OS consultant, this includes DevOps, DevSecOps, technical writing or documentation work. If you enjoy this blog, you can sponsor my open source work financially so I can write this blog and contribute to Free Software as my daily job.

[7th floor] Nethack story of Sery the tourist

Written by Solène, on 24 November 2020.
Tags: #nethack #gaming

Comments on Fediverse/Mastodon

Sery is back in the fourth floor 4 of the underworld. What mysteries are to be discovered? What enemies will be slayed so we can make our path?

Everything is awesome

Sery is in the fourth floor, she found stairs to go deeper but she also heard coins flipping. Maybe a merchant is around? That would be the right opportunity to buy weapons, armor and food.

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After walking to a new room south-east, she found a large room with a hobbit statue h and a potion on the floor. The potion is not identified, so using it will be very risky.

The large room was a dead end. Back to the previous room Sery was now surrounded by enemies. A gas spore e, a green mold F and a giant bug :! She also felt hungry at the time, but she had to fight. Eggs and pancakes will be for another time.

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While fleeing to the ascending stairs to search a merchant on this floor while escaping enemies, a gecko was blocking the way. Sery had to fight with her fists and fortunately the gecko didn’t oppose much resistance. But a few steps later, a goblin was also in the path. Sery’s dog location is unknown, it was certainly fighting in the previous room. Sery decided to drink a potion to recover from her 2 HP left and go back to the room, in hope the dog can help her.

It worked! The dog was just behind and charged the goblin would die instantly. The dog was starving and ate the goblin freshly killed, Sery was hungry too but preferred eating some pancake that wasn’t fresh, it had better taste than the remaining goblin meat tin can she had in her purse.

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On the first steps in the room, she found a graffiti on the ground:

Atta?king a? ec| vhere the?c is rone i? usually a ?a?al mistakc!

The message didn’t make any sense. The room had a goblin statue and some gold on the ground, it’s all Sery had to know. The room was calm and nothing happened when crossing it. Sery seemed to be blessed!

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Nearby she found a very small room with no other way than the entrance. This looked very suspicious and she decided to spend some time looking around for a clue about a secret door. She was right! A few minutes after she started to search, she found a hidden door! The door was not locked, which was surprising. Who knows what was waiting on the other side?

After walking a bit in a small and dark corridor, a new room was here, with an empty box along a wall and a grave in a corner in the opposite side of the room.

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The large box was locked! Without lock pick she wasn’t able to open it. After all she went through in the dungeon, anger gave her some strength to break the box padlock after a few kicks in it.

The box contained the following objects:

  • a pyramidal amulet
  • a food ration
  • a black gem
  • two green gems

She still had some room on her bag, it wasn’t too heavy for now so she decided to take everything from the box.

Kicking the box consumed energy and she decided to restart a little, and eat something. The food ration from the box looked very tasty but it may be poisoned or toxic so she avoid it and ate goblin meat in tin can. It wasn’t good, but did the job.

She looked at the grave, it was old and only had engraved words on it which appeared to be

Yes Dear, just a few more minutes…

A corridor in the room was leading to a dead end. There was nothing. Even after searching for a long time, Sery didn’t find any way there so she decided to go back and descend to the next floor.

On a way back, she had to fight monsters: a newt, a sewer rat, a gas spore! After the fights, hunger was back again! It was time for a good meal: goblin meat and food ration. It did hit the spot and Sery felt a lot better.

Fifth floor

In the fifth floor, a potion ! was lying on the ground. There was some light, it wasn’t completely dark, without a lamp or a torch this would be a real problem.

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In a corridor leading to a room in the south, she had to kill a coyote in the way. The room had a teleportation trap and an apple %, food!

Going east, she walked through a long corridor until a dead end. After searching for some time she found a way to get a body through a hole and get to the other side. A boulder was in the tunnel but she have been able to push it, fortunately the bolder was rolling fine.

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Sery found a new room with two potions and a gnome. It was hard for Sery to know if the gnome was hostile

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The dog got triggered by the gnome presence and ran to fight the gnome. The gnome was definitely hostile. Sery ended quickly in hand-to-hand combat with the gnome.

The camera’s flash! She thought it should work, after all the camera still had forty seven pictures to take, or enemies to blind.

It worked, the poor creature got blinded, the dog was biting its back. After a few hits, the gnome died, leaving a bow on the ground.

Continuing her way, Sery found the room with the descending stairs. There were a homunculus i and a sewer rat r waiting. She knew the rat was an easy target but the other enemy was unknown. It didn’t appeared friendly and she doubted to be able to kill it without risking her life.

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Sery decided to go back to the long corridor which had cross ways.

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The homunculus was fast! It found Sery back from where they met. Sery was in troubles. The homunculus seemed hard to escape and while fleeing in a corridor, a dwarf zombie Z blocked the way.

She tried to fight it but she lost 9 HP in 2 hits, the beast was very powerful. It was time to drink the random potions she got over the journey. They were unidentified but there was no choice, except praying maybe.

Praying! Sery wasn’t a believer but praying was the best she could do. Her pray was deep and pure, she only wanted to have some hope for her future and her quest.

The Lady heard her pray, Sery got surrounded by a shimmering light. The dwarf zombie attacked Sery but got pulled back by some energy field. Sery felt a lot better, her health was fully recovered and also increased.

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Sery got a second chance, she certainly wanted to make a good use of it. At this time, the only thought in her mind was: RUN AWAY

She did run, very fast, to the stairs leading deeper. None enemies made troubles in her retreat.

Sixth floor

No time to look in the room she arrived, Sery got attacked by a brown mold, which in turn was killed by her dog.


The room had only way to the south. Finding a merchant was becoming urgent. Her food supplies were depleting. She had a lot of money but that is not helpful in the middle of the underground among the monsters.

In the south room there was a lichen F, but it seemed peaceful, or guarding the stairs to descend to seventh floor, who knows? The room had no other entrance than the one by which Sery came, but after examining the walls, she found a door.

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Nothing unusual in this floor. Continuing her progresses through the tunnels, she ended in a dark room, she wasn’t able to see further than a meter away.

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One more step and she came face to face with a homunculus. Fortunately the dog was just behind and not fighting any other aggressive animals. The dog killed it fast. But then another homunculus came, which also got killed by the dog.

In the end, those homunculus are pretty weak.

Room after room, with only emptiness as a friend, Sery walked for a long time. And then he appeared! The merchant !

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He was a bookseller, selling scrolls… Sery was so disappointed by this, she felt helpless for a moment.