About me: My name is Solène Rapenne, pronouns she/her. I like learning and sharing knowledge. Hobbies: '(Qubes OS BSD OpenBSD Lisp cmdline gaming security QubesOS internet-stuff). I love percent and lambda characters. Qubes OS core team member, former OpenBSD developer solene@. No AI is involved in this blog.

Contact me: solene at dataswamp dot org or @solene@bsd.network (mastodon).

I'm a freelance OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Linux and Qubes OS consultant, this includes DevOps, DevSecOps, technical writing or documentation work.

Systemd journald cheatsheet

Written by Solène, on 24 December 2024.
Tags: #linux

Comments on Fediverse/Mastodon

1. Introduction §

This blog post is part of a series that will be about Systemd ecosystem, today's focus is on journaling.

Systemd got a regrettable reputation since its arrival mid 2010. I think this is due to Systemd being radically different than traditional tooling, and people got lost without a chance to be noticed beforehand they would have to deal with it. The transition was maybe rushed a bit with a half-baked product, in addition to the fact users had to learn new paradigms and tooling to operate their computer.

Nowadays, Systemd is working well, and there are serious non-Systemd alternatives, so everyone should be happy. :)

2. Introduction to journald §

Journald is the logging system that was created as part of Systemd. It handles logs created by all Systemd units. A huge difference compared to the traditional logs is that there is a single journal file acting as a database to store all the data. If you want to read logs, you need to use journalctl command to extract data from the database as it is not plain text.

Most of the time journald logs data from units by reading their standard error and output, but it is possible to send data to journald directly.

On the command line, you can use systemd-cat to run a program or pipe data to it to send them to logs.

systemd-cat man page

3. Journalctl 101 §

Here is a list of the most common cases you will encounter:

  • View new logs live: journalctl -f
  • View last 2000 lines of logs: journalctl -n 2000
  • Restrict logs to a given unit: journalctl -u nginx.service
  • Pattern matching: journalctl -g somepattern
  • Filter by date (since): journalctl --since="10 minutes ago" or journalctl --since="1 hour ago" or journalctl --since=2024-12-01
  • Filter by date (range): journalctl --since="today" --until="1 hour ago" or journalctl --since="2024-12-01 12:30:00" --until="2024-12-01 16:00:00"
  • Filter logs since boot: journalctl -b
  • Filter logs to previous (n-1) boot: journalctl -b -1
  • Switch date time output to UTC: journalctl --utc

You can use multiple parameters at the same time:

  • Last 200 lines of logs of nginx since current boot: journalctl -n 200 -u nginx -b
  • Live display of nginx logs files matching "wp-content": journalctl -f -g wg-content -u nginx

journalctl man page

4. Send logs to syslog §

If you want to bypass journald and send all messages to syslog to handle your logs with it, you can edit the file /etc/systemd/journald.conf to add the line ForwardToSyslog=Yes.

This will make journald relay all incoming messages to syslog, so you can process your logs as you want.

Restart journald service: systemctl restart systemd-journal.service

systemd-journald man page

journald.conf man page

5. Journald entries metadata §

Journalctl contains a lot more information than just the log line (raw content). Traditional syslog files contain the date and time, maybe the hostname, and the log message.

This is just for information, only system administrators will ever need to dig through this, it is important to know it exists in case you need it.

5.1. Example §

Here is what journald stores for each line (pretty printed from json output), using samba server as an example.

# journalctl -u smbd -o json -n 1 | jq
  "_EXE": "/usr/libexec/samba/rpcd_winreg",
  "_CMDLINE": "/usr/libexec/samba/rpcd_winreg --configfile=/etc/samba/smb.conf --worker-group=4 --worker-index=5 --debuglevel=0",
  "_RUNTIME_SCOPE": "system",
  "__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP": "749298223244",
  "_SYSTEMD_SLICE": "system.slice",
  "MESSAGE": "  Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2023",
  "_MACHINE_ID": "f23c6ba22f8e02aaa8a9722df464cae3",
  "_SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID": "86f0f618c0b7dedee832aef6b28156e7",
  "_BOOT_ID": "42d47e1b9a109551eaf1bc82bd242aef",
  "_GID": "0",
  "PRIORITY": "5",
  "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER": "rpcd_winreg",
  "SYSLOG_TIMESTAMP": "Dec 19 11:00:03 ",
  "SYSLOG_RAW": "<29>Dec 19 11:00:03 rpcd_winreg[4142801]:   Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2023\n",
  "_CAP_EFFECTIVE": "1ffffffffff",
  "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "smbd.service",
  "_PID": "4142801",
  "_HOSTNAME": "pelleteuse",
  "_SYSTEMD_CGROUP": "/system.slice/smbd.service",
  "_UID": "0",
  "SYSLOG_PID": "4142801",
  "_TRANSPORT": "syslog",
  "__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP": "1734606003126791",
  "__CURSOR": "s=1ab47d484c31144909c90b4b97f3061d;i=bcdb43;b=42d47e1b9a109551eaf1bc82bd242aef;m=ae75a7888c;t=6299d6ea44207;x=8d7340882cc85cab",
  "_SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP": "1734606003126496",
  "__SEQNUM": "12376899",
  "_COMM": "rpcd_winreg",
  "__SEQNUM_ID": "1ab47d484c31144909c90b4b97f3061d",
  "_SELINUX_CONTEXT": "unconfined\n"

The "real" log line is the value of SYSLOG_RAW, everything else is created by journald when it receives the information.

5.2. Filter §

As the logs can be extracted in JSON format, it becomes easy to parse them properly using any programming language able to deserialize JSON data, this is far more robust than piping lines to AWK / grep, although it can work "most of the time" (until it does not due to a weird input).

On the command line, you can query/filter such logs using jq which is a bit the awk of JSON. For instance, if I output all the logs of "today" to filter lines generated by the binary /usr/sbin/sshd, I can use this:

journalctl --since="today" -o json | jq -s '.[] | select(._EXE == "/usr/sbin/sshd")'

This command line will report each line of logs where "_EXE" field is exactly "/usr/sbin/sshd" and all the metadata. This kind of data can be useful when you need to filter tightly for a problem or a security incident.

The example above was made easy as it is a bit silly in its form: filtering on SSH server can be done with journalctl -u sshd.service --since=today.

6. Conclusion §

Journald is a powerful logging system, journalctl provides a single entry point to extract and filter logs in a unified system.

With journald, it became easy to read logs of multiple services over a time range, and log rotation is now a problem of the past for me.