About me: My name is Solène Rapenne, pronouns she/her. I like learning and sharing knowledge. Hobbies: '(Qubes OS BSD OpenBSD Lisp cmdline gaming security QubesOS internet-stuff). I love percent and lambda characters. Qubes OS core team member, former OpenBSD developer solene@. No AI is involved in this blog.

Contact me: solene at dataswamp dot org or @solene@bsd.network (mastodon).

I'm a freelance OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Linux and Qubes OS consultant, this includes DevOps, DevSecOps, technical writing or documentation work.

My plans for 2022

Written by Solène, on 08 January 2022.
Tags: #life #blog

Comments on Fediverse/Mastodon

Table of contents

Greetings dear readers, I wish you a happy new year and all the best. Like I did previously at the new year time, although it's not a yearly exercise, I would like to talk about the blog and my plan for the next twelve months.

1. About me §

Let's talk about me first, it will make sense for the blog part after. I plan to find a new job, maybe switch into the cybersecurity field or work in some position allowing me to contribute to an open source project, it's not that easy to find, but I have hope.

This year, I will work at getting new skills, this should help me find jobs, but I also think I've been a resting a bit about learning over the last two years. My plan is to dedicate 45 minutes every day to learn about a topic. I already started doing so with some security and D language readings.

2. About the blog §

With regular learning time, I'm not sure yet if I will have much desire to write here as often as I did in 2021. I'm absolutely sure the publication rate will drop, but I will try to maintain a minimum, because I'm learning I will want to share some ideas, experiences or knowledge hopefuly.

I'm thanksful to readers community I have, I often get feedback by email or IRC or mastodon about my posts, so I can fix them, extend them or rework them if I was wrong. This is invaluable to me, it helps me to make connections to other people, and it's what make life interesting.

3. Podcast §

In December 2021, I had the chance to be interviewed by the people of the BSDNow podcast, I'm talking about how I got into open source, about my blog but also about the old laptop challenge I made last year.

Access to the podcast link on BSDNow

Thanks everyone! Let's have fun with computers!